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the quarter

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Q: A quarter has a diameter of .955 inches. A nickel has a diameter of .835 Which is greater?
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What is the diameter of a nickel in inches?

.95 inches

How many inches is US Nickel?

The diameter of a US nickel is 0.835 inches.

How many inches in diameter is a US nickel?

US coins are normally measured in metric units. A nickel is 21.21 mm in diameter and there are 25.4 mm in an inch, so the diameter in inches would be 21.21/25.4 = 0.835 inches

What is the radius of a nickel in inches?

US coins are normally measured in metric units. A nickel is 21.21 mm in diameter. The radius is half the diameter, and there are 25.4 mm in an inch to the radius in inches would be 0.5 x 21.21 / 25.4 = 0.417 inches

How do you calculate a penny a dime a nickel a quarter and a half dollar in inches?

You may measure them in inches but you cannot calculate them in inches.

Two coins are worth 0.30 one of them is not a nickel what are the coins?

One coin is a quarter and the other one is a nickel. The quarter is NOT a nickel!

What is the diameter of a nickel penny dime and a quarter?

US coins: Cent - 19.05 mm Nickel - 21.2 mm Dime - 17.9 mm Quarter - 24.3 mm Half - 30.1 mm Dollar (modern) - 26.5 mm

A man has two coins that add up to 30 cents and one of them isn't a 10 cent piece what coins does he have?

Assuming American coinage, the two coins would be a 25 cent coin and a 5 cent coin. Assuming non-American coins, one is not a 10 cent coin, but the other one is. The other coin being a 20 cent coin.

What is the diameter of a US nickel?

The diameter of a US nickel is 21.21 millimeters.The united states Nickel has a diameter of 21.21 mm or 2.2121 cm.

How can you make 30 cents with only 2 coins?

The one is a quarter and the other one is a nickel

What is the diameter of a nickel to the nearest millimeter?

The diameter of a nickel is 21.21 mm.

If you have 30p and 1 of the coins isn't a 10p what 2 coins do you have?

A quarter and a nickel. The quarter is the coin that's not a nickel!