"Percent" - For details read the explanation given below.
Ratios represented by Fractions can be compared only if they share a common denominator, which is not often. This need for a common denominator to compare ratios and fractions gave rise to the concept of percent (cent meaning hundred). An equivalent representation of all the ratios with a common denominator of 100 would make them easily comparable, and such representations with a common denominator got abbreviated by just the numerators being written followed by %, which is the sign allocated to "percent". In this manner percentages compare numbers in the numerator to 100 and the ratio that compares a number to 100 is logically called percent.
Any number of percent is the ratio of that number to 100.
it depends on the number, but if that number was represented by x, then it would be x:100 or x/100. a ratio is the same as division.
Multiply both numbers of the ratio, 5:6, by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent ratio.
The number, in the form of a ratio, is 18/100.
The number, in the form of a ratio, is 21/100.
A percent is a ratio of a number to 100.
Any number of percent is the ratio of that number to 100.
it depends on the number, but if that number was represented by x, then it would be x:100 or x/100. a ratio is the same as division.
A percent is a number relative to 100. Therefore, we want the number 100 in the ratio. In order to do that, we need to multiply BOTH numbers in the ratio by a number so that the second number of the new ratio is equal to 100. The first number of the new ratio is the percent. For example: 4:5 = [4*20]:[5*20] = 80:100 = 80%
Find Ratio A to B. Find Ratio B to A. Complete sentence: A is percent of B.
Multiply both numbers of the ratio, 5:6, by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent ratio.
A percent is a ratio, or rate, that compares a number to100
A ratio is comparing 2 numbers- such as 2 to I. You only gave us ONE number- 88.8. that is not a ratio. If you meant that to be 88:8, then the ratio is 10:1.
100 in latin is cent - that's why there's 100 in a dollar. A ratio per 100 is per cent - percent =)
It is called the percentage.
The number, in the form of a ratio, is 18/100.