

Best Answer

What you do find the volume by multiplying the height the width and the length So...


Then you divide the mass by the volume

m/v= 12 / 6


The answer is 2cm3

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Q: A rectangular solid is 3 cm long 2 cm wide 1 cm mass is 12g What is its density?
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What is the density of 3cm by 3 cm by 3cm?

The volume of a rectangular solid with those dimensions is 27 cm3.If we also knew its mass, then we could calculate its density.

How is the mass of a rectangular solid meeasurded?

The answer depends on what information you have been provided with. If you have only the linear dimensions then it is: Length * Breadth * Height * Density.

What would the density be of a rectangular solid that is 3 cm long 2 cm wide and 1 cm high but half the size?

The density of an object depends on its mass and volume. There is some confusingly presented information about the volume but absolutely no information on the mass. It is, therefore, impossible to provide a sensible answer.

What is the density of a rectangular solid that is 3 cm long 2 cm wide and 1 cm high?

It's volume is 6 cubic centimetres, but you need it's mass if you want to find it's density. It's density in grams per cubic centimetre would be it's total mass divided by six.

How do i find the density of a rectangular prism?

You divide its mass by its volume.

Related questions

How do find density if only mass is given of a rectangular solid?

To find density when only mass is given for a rectangular solid, you also need to know the volume of the solid. Density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. The formula for density is Density = Mass/Volume.

How can you use a balance scale and a metric ruler to find density of a rectangular solid?

To find the density of a rectangular solid, first measure the mass of the solid using the balance scale. Then, measure the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the solid using a metric ruler. Calculate the volume of the solid by multiplying the three dimensions. Finally, divide the mass by the volume to find the density of the rectangular solid.

What is the difference in finding the density of a rectangular solid object and the density of an irregular solid object?

In finding the density of a rectangular solid object, you can simply calculate it by dividing the mass by the volume using the formula density = mass/volume. However, for an irregular solid object, you may need to use techniques like displacement method or water displacement method to determine its volume before calculating the density.

What is The differences in finding the density of rectangular solid object and finding the density of an irregular solid object?

To find the density of a rectangular solid object, you would calculate the mass of the object by multiplying its volume by its density. For an irregular solid object, you would typically measure its mass using a balance and its volume using displacement of water, then divide the mass by the volume to find the density. The main difference lies in how you determine the volume of the object, with rectangular solids having a straightforward formula for volume calculation compared to irregular shapes which require more complex methods.

How do you find the density of a rectangular solid if the only instrument you have with you is a ruler?

To find the density of a rectangular solid with just a ruler, you would need to measure the length, width, and height with the ruler. Then, calculate the volume by multiplying the three measurements together. Finally, divide the mass of the rectangular solid by the volume to find the density.

How do you establish the density of a solid rectangular shaped object?

To establish the density of a solid rectangular shaped object, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Then, measure its dimensions (length, width, and height) with a ruler to calculate its volume. Finally, divide the mass by the volume to determine the density, which is expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter.

What is the density of 3cm by 3 cm by 3cm?

The volume of a rectangular solid with those dimensions is 27 cm3.If we also knew its mass, then we could calculate its density.

How is the mass of a rectangular solid meeasurded?

The answer depends on what information you have been provided with. If you have only the linear dimensions then it is: Length * Breadth * Height * Density.

What would the density be of a rectangular solid that is 3 cm long 2 cm wide and 1 cm high but half the size?

The density of an object depends on its mass and volume. There is some confusingly presented information about the volume but absolutely no information on the mass. It is, therefore, impossible to provide a sensible answer.

What is the density of a rectangular solid that is 3 cm long 2 cm wide and 1 cm high?

It's volume is 6 cubic centimetres, but you need it's mass if you want to find it's density. It's density in grams per cubic centimetre would be it's total mass divided by six.

A rectangular solid is 3 cm long 2 cm wide and 1 cm high it has a mass of 12 g what is its density?

Density is defined as mass divided by volume. The volume of a rectangular solid is given by length × width × height, which in this case is 3 cm × 2 cm × 1 cm = 6 cm³. Therefore, the density of the solid is 12 g / 6 cm³ = 2 g/cm³.

How do you find the density of a rectangular solid?

To find the density of a rectangular solid, you need to measure its mass and volume. The density is calculated by dividing the mass of the solid by its volume: Density = mass / volume. Make sure to use consistent unit measurements for accurate results.