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it is 24in The area of the first triangle is 24 [(6*8)/2]. The area of the smaller triangle is 12 [24/2]. The two legs will have a relationship of [4/3x to x], the same as any right triangle.

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Q: A right triangle has legs 6cm and 8cm How far from the vertex must this triangle be cut by a line parallel to the longer leg so that the area of the smaller right triangle is equal to the area of the?
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Why can't a triangle have parallel sides?

For two sides to be parallel they must not meet at a point (vertex). A triangle has only 3 sides. Let the vertices of a triangle be ABC; then the 3 sides of the triangle are AB, AC and BC. The sides AB and AC meet at vertex A, so they cannot be parallel. The sides AB and BC meet at vertex B, so they cannot be parallel. So Side AB is not parallel to AC (meets at vertex A) and not parallel to BC (meets at vertex B). The only possibility left is that side BC is parallel to side AC. But the sides BC and AC meet at vertex C so they cannot be parallel. Thus none of the sides of a triangle can be parallel.

How many parallel sides do a triangle have?

none. A triangle, in standard 2 dimensions cannot have any parallel sides. Let's show without going into formal proof. Let's say that you try to make a triangle with 2 parallel sides. -------------side a------------- |C | | |side b | | |A -------------side c--------------- Side a & b intersect at vertex C. Side b & c intersect at vertex A, and since sides a & c are parallel, they will never intersect, so there is no third vertex, so it's not a polygon, much less a triangle.

What is the vertex of a triangle?

.-----------------A-------------------------------/\------------------------------/--\----------------------------/----\--------------------------/------\------------------------/--------\----------------------/_______\-------------------B-------------C-------The vertex of a triangle is:The point on a triangle or pyramid opposite to and farthest away from its base.So A is the vertex of this triangle.

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It looks like an isoceles triangle that has had its vertex cut off parallel to its base.

Vertex of a triangle?

Vertex of a triangle is any of its 3 corners and the plural of vertex is vertices

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A median of a triangle is a line from a vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex.

A triangle is a segment joining a vertex and the midpoint of the side opposite the vertex?

A triangle is not a segment joining a vertex and the midpoint of the side opposite the vertex.

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A vertex is a corner of a triangle and its plural is vertices

A median of a triangle is a line or segment that passes through a vertex and bisects the side the vertex?

A median of a triangle is a line or segment that passes through a vertex and bisects the side of the triangle opposite the vertex.

Median of equilateral triangle?

It is the line from a vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex.

Is a smaller triangle inside of a larger triangle where the outside of the smaller triangle and the inside of the larger triangle is the interior a polygon?

If at least one vertex of the inner triangle lies on the side of the outer triangle then yes, it is a complex polygon. However, if none of the vertices of the inner triangle are on the sides of the outer triangle then there are two disjoint triangles and that does not represent a polygon.

A median of a triangle is a line or segment that passes through a vertex and the side opposite that vertex?

A median of a triangle is a line or segment that passes through a vertex and the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex. The median only bisects the vertex angle from which it is drawn when it is an isosceles triangle.