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(24 x 15) + (15 x 12) = 360 + 180 = 540 sq ft

The height of the ceiling is immaterial.

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Q: A room is 24 feet long and 15 feet wide A second room is 15 feet long and 12 feet wide Both of the rooms have 8 foot high ceilings What would be the combined floor area of the rooms?
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How many rooms did the concentric castle have?

concentric castles could have 3 rooms on each floor it also has a underground where the duguon is kept

How may square feet of drywall do you need for a 2500 square foot house?

That's going to depend on how many rooms there are in the house, and how high the ceilings are. Neither of those numbers can be calculated from "2500 square feet".

Is wasted space classified as part of the square footage of the house?

The square footage of a home is determined by adding the square foot measurements of all the rooms including closets, if by wasted space you mean inside the walls then no, and not the garage either unless it has been converted into living space. Tax Assessors look at the following when estimating a home's square footage: Above grade (meaning anything that is above the ground), heated space that is livable. The measurements are taken from the outside of the house. Any second floor rooms that have pitched ceilings will be measured as 3/4 or 1/2 of the square footage. Any attic space is not considered livable, so are not included in the main square footage calculations. Rooms that are not heated (such as a summer porch) but have utility are taxed at a lower rate. The second you heat the room it becomes part of the main house. Finished, heated basements are also calculated as living areas, but discounted and not part of the main houses square footage because it's below grade.

How many square feet does an 80000 BTU furnace heat?

It heats all the square feet in the network of rooms through which it's distributed.How warm it heats them, and how fast, depends on the height of the ceilings, andon the rate of loss of heat through the walls, which in turn depends on the outsidetemperature and the insulation efficiency of the walls.

How do you calculate the total area of a home?

Rooms are generally rectangular in shape, so the floor space is the length times the width. Add up all the rooms (and corridors or other spaces) and you get the total for the house. If you have spaces that are not rectangular, then the calculations become a bit more complicated, but you can usually estimate a rectangular equivalent.

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How many rooms is in the first second and third or fourth floor in the cullens house in the saga of twilight?

the first floor was a really big open room with Edward's piano, the Second floor has Carlise's office the library, and everyone's rooms except for Edward's, on the Third floor was Edward's room

On a hot summer day the rooms on the first floor of a house stay cooler than the rooms on the second floor Which form of thermal energy flow causes this to occur?

cell waoll

Do you get separate rooms when you expand in Animal Crossing City Folk?

You will get a second floor and a basement.

How do you get a second floor in moshi monsters?

you have to buy your second floor down oh la lane which if you use the arows you can see a tall building. you click on this and the it tells all the rooms.

What rooms and offices are on the second floor of Hogwarts?

It's very difficult to determine due to the wide number of inconsistencies between the various books, movies and video games. Plus a lot of the staircases and rooms move. The rooms usually placed on the second floor are:Female bathroom (out of order and haunted by Moaning Myrtle)Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's OfficeEntrance to the Headmasters office (in GoF, in HBP it was on the seventh floor)

How big does your second floor get in animal crossing?

all of the extra rooms are the small small room size. when you get an extra floor or room, that's the size it will always be.

How do you add a second floor to your Neohome on Neopets?

You can only add a second floor to the classic Neohomes. To do this, you have to have at least one room on the first/ground floor. Then you can click "2nd Floor" above the layout image of all the rooms. Then you can click on the tile where you've got a room below it.. and build! You cannot build rooms so they are overhanging floors below. They must be overlapping exactly, or have extra spaces. They do not have to overlap exactly, they don't have to go to the very edge.

How many rooms are in chilling treasure?

7 floor with 7 rooms so 49 rooms total

On millsberry how do you get a second floor?

You can add a new story to your home once the story below it is complete. You can't make a second floor until you have all of your rooms on the first floor. Stairs are jsut to look cool in your house, but they don't change whether you have another floor or not in Millsberry. You can purchase new rooms at Pete's Hardware/Construction Store Downtown by clicking on the "Add A Room" section on the top of the page. You then can choose where you want to put your room (and the type of room) or yard. Yards can go anywhere on the first floor, but you cannot build on top of them on another floor. Rooms can go in the middle nine squares. You can add floors once you've filled all the room squares on a previous floor. Rooms cost $2500 MB each. Update: Millsberry has now been shut down.

Estimate cost per square foot for interior house painting in the Buffalo New York area?

In northern Upstate regions, Yaros Painting charges $2.85 per square foot of floor space in rooms with 8ft ceilings, provided that the walls and trimming do not require extensive preparatory work. This covers all of the preparation, priming, and painting of walls, trim, and ceilings.

A 28-story building has 32 rooms on each floor How many rooms are in the building?


How do you get swampert on the poke-dex if you choose torchic as your beginer?

You have to purchase a Nintendo link cable go to the second floor of the Pokemon centre. There will be 3 rooms go into the second one and trade with your friendsMaaid