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Jason Smith

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Q: A ruler is on the table with the higher numbers to the right. An ant crawls along the ruler from 6 cm to 2 cm in 2 seconds. Describe the ants distance displacement speed and velocity?
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Why using numbers to describe kinematic is called a?

Using numbers to describe kinematics is called quantitative analysis. This approach provides accurate and precise measurements of various parameters such as velocity, acceleration, and displacement in a system. Quantitative analysis helps in predicting and understanding the motion of objects mathematically.

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Are u also doing the orbital velocity numbers?

How do you find the acceleration if time is not given?

To find the acceleration if the time is not given, you will need to know the velocity and the distance. Then, use this equation: d = vt + (1/2)at2 to solve the problem by plugging in your numbers for the distance and the velocity.

Is A steep slope on a displacement vs. time graph indicates a large velocity.?

Not necessarily. The slope could be steep but negative, and since negative numbers are less than positive numbers, no. But in both cases, the magnitude of the velocity (speed) is great. Also, at each point in the displacement vs. time graph, you can only get instantaneous velocity. A curve on the graph will indicate an acceleration. The next antiderivative of acceleration is jerk. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the more certain you are of a particle's position OR velocity, the less certain you can be of the other property. On the displacement vs. time graph, either the particle is at a certain displacement and the velocity unknown, or the velocity between two points is known, but the displacement is unknown. That is, the velocity can be known between two points, but the particle resides somewhere between the two points at that time. The exact position is uncertain. Schroedinger had a cat. He put it in a box, and having no way to tell if the cat was alive or dead, it must be assumed to be both, simultaneously. But also because it is either alive or dead, and not both at once, yet also not partially one or the other, it must be assumed to also be neither at once. So Schroedinger's cat was both alive and dead, though it was neither. By corollary, the particle whose trajectory is described by the displacement vs. time graph has no velocity and has velocity at the same time.

Is steep slope on a displacement vs. time graph indicates a large velocity.?

Yes, a steep slope on a displacement vs. time graph indicates a large velocity. The slope represents the rate of change of displacement with respect to time, so a steeper slope indicates a faster rate of change, which corresponds to higher velocity.

What do the numbers mean on Mercedes-Benz?

The numbers usually represent the engine displacement in liters

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describe the whole numbers

What is the x coordinate of the ordered pair?

Usually the first of the two numbers that comprise the ordered pair. However, in the case of a displacement-time graph, the first is usually the t-coordinate (time) and the x-coordinate is the second (displacement).

How do you describe an algorithm with rational numbers?

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What is denomirator?

When you have a number (or a function) written in the form a/b then b is the denominator (a is the numerator). a nd b may be numbers or variables. For example, in the equation: velocity = distance/time, time is the denominator.

What is a way to describe the world with numbers?

a way to describe the world in numbers is measurement...

How do you calculate the minimum initial velocity for a rocket to reach the Moon using the gravitational potential energy equation?

Once you have the gravitational potential energy required to move an object a certain distance away from the Earth, you simply plug it into the formula for the kinetic energy, and solve for speed.