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The congruent figure had matching sides.

-Red Mist

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Q: A sentence with the word congruent?
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Can you put the word congruent into a sentence?

Every parallelogram has two pairs of congruent sides.

How do you use the word congruent in a sentence?

The two triangles are congruent to each other. (Congruent here means that they are similar.) His actions were congruent with his stated intention to take over the company. (fitting, in accordance with)

Use congruent in a sentence?

The sides were congruent with each other.

What is another word for congruent?

Another word for the adjective congruent is agreeable. Additional synonyms for the word congruent are harmonious, coinciding, compatible, and in agreement.

What does the word congruent have common with a circle?

What the word congruent and circle have in common is that circles have a congruent radii. All of the radii in a single circle is congruent to each other.

What is a sentence for congruent?

Congruent triangles are the same size and shape. He wants to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with his own.

A sentence with congruent in it?

The two congruent 3D triangles were equal in shape, size, length and volume.

Do similar polygons have congruent sides and congruent angles?

No. The word congruent is not applied to sides or angles.

What is the word for equal in geometry?


What quadrangle other than a square has all sides congruent?

The word congruent is meaningless in this contect..

What is the Geometry word for equivalent?

Congruent, perhaps.

What word means alikeness in form?
