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Q: A set of ordered pairs in which no two ordered pairs has the same first element?
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Is a relation in which two different ordered pairs have the same first coordinate?

The relation between two different ordered pairs which have the same first coordinate is simply that. They have the same first coordinate. If you mark the two points on graph paper, you find that one always lies directly above or below the other. The relationship is that they both belong to the family of points which make up a particular vertical line.

How may ordered pairs are in a linear graph?

Each ordered pair is made up of two numbers. A linear graph has an infinite number of pairs. An easy way to see this is look at the line y=x. This is a linear graph and any two of the same numbers will work! So there are an infinite number of ordered pairs.

Is this true for all functions No two ordered pairs have the same x or the same y?

Not true.Not true.Not true.Not true.

Why it is valid to say that both a function and its inverse describe the same relationship.?

If a function has an inverse then it is a bijection between two sets. Each element in the first set is mapped to one, and only one, element of the second set. Therefore, for each element in the second set there is one, and only one, element in the first set. The function and its inverse, both define the relationship between the same pairs of elements.

How can you tell if two points lie along the same grid line just by looking at the ordered pairs?

If both points have either the same 'x' value or the same 'y' value, then they both lie on the same grid line.

Related questions

How you tell if set of ordered pairs a function?

If there are any pairs with the same second element but different first elements, then it is not a function. Otherwise it is.

What is true regarding functions and relation?

All functions are relations but all relations are not functions.

Is a relation in which two different ordered pairs have the same first coordinate?

The relation between two different ordered pairs which have the same first coordinate is simply that. They have the same first coordinate. If you mark the two points on graph paper, you find that one always lies directly above or below the other. The relationship is that they both belong to the family of points which make up a particular vertical line.

How do you find the rate of change for the set of ordered pairs?

It is the change in the second element of the two pairs divided by the change in the corresponding first elements.So, if the two pairs are (p, q) and (r, s), the rate of change is(q - s)/(p - r) or, equivalently (s - q)/(r - p). It does not matter which of the two pairs goes first but the same order must be used for the numerator and the denominator - that is why the word "corresponding" was used above.

How can you tell from looking at two ordered pairs that the line containing them has a slope of zero?

The y-values for the two ordered pairs would have to be the same (for example, (3,1) and (6,1) would be such a set of ordered pairs). Because the slope of a line is (y1-y2)/(x1-x2), for the slope to be zero, y1=y2.

How may ordered pairs are in a linear graph?

Each ordered pair is made up of two numbers. A linear graph has an infinite number of pairs. An easy way to see this is look at the line y=x. This is a linear graph and any two of the same numbers will work! So there are an infinite number of ordered pairs.

Is this true for all functions No two ordered pairs have the same x or the same y?

Not true.Not true.Not true.Not true.

When is function a relation?

A relation is when the domain in the ordered pair (x) is different from the domain in all other ordered pairs. The range (y) can be the same and it still be a function.

Why it is valid to say that both a function and its inverse describe the same relationship.?

If a function has an inverse then it is a bijection between two sets. Each element in the first set is mapped to one, and only one, element of the second set. Therefore, for each element in the second set there is one, and only one, element in the first set. The function and its inverse, both define the relationship between the same pairs of elements.

How many elements of N2 have?

In set theory, the cardinality or size of N^2, representing the set of all ordered pairs with both elements from the natural numbers, is aleph-null (ℵ₀), which is the same as the size of the natural numbers.

How can you tell if two points lie along the same grid linejust by looking at the ordered pairs?

If both points have either the same 'x' value or the same 'y' value, then they both lie on the same grid line.

How do aluminium and aluminum differ?

Only in spelling; they refer to the same element, with the first spelling being British and the second one American. Note also the pairs favor, favour; honor, honour, etc.