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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." Oscar Wilde ANSWER #2 The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, is attributed with saying: "To thine own self be true."This very short expression was many centuries later expanded on by Shakespeare in his tragedy, "Hamlet". Both Socrates and Shakespeare express the notion that knowing oneself first is the key to truth. I have paraphrased Shakespeare's full quote from "Hamlet" as follows: 'This above all: To thine own self be true, for it must follow as night follows day that you cannot be false to any man.'

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Q: A short saying expressing a truth?
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What proverbial truth?

A proverbial truth is a saying that reveals some kind of wisdom or advice about life within a short saying

What is a short saying expressing the maxim of a family etc?

Thinking of the 'collcetive' family group= would consider Motto as the answer.

What is the difference between a maxim and a proverb?

A maxim is a concise statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct, often in a formal manner, whereas a proverb is a short, traditional saying that offers advice or wisdom. Maxims are often broader in scope and can serve as guiding principles, while proverbs are more specific and rooted in cultural tradition.

Why is it Speak the Truth and not tell the truth?

"Speak the truth" is often used to emphasize the act of verbalizing the truth, while "tell the truth" is more general and can refer to both speaking and non-verbal ways of expressing the truth. Saying "speak the truth" highlights the importance of openly communicating truthfully.

What does the term 'truthful' mean?

Truthful means telling or expressing the truth. When someone is being truthful it means they are doing the exact opposite of lying and the information they are saying should be trusted.

What is the name of oral traditional that has short saying of truth?

Saw. Epigram. Witticism. Aphorism. Quip. Proverb.

What is a short saying that states an idea or truth?

an idiom There are estimated to be at least 25,000 idiomatic expressions in the English language.

What does it mean to say your truth?

Saying "your truth" typically refers to expressing your own perspective, feelings, and beliefs honestly and authentically. It emphasizes the importance of speaking from your own experiences and understanding rather than trying to conform to societal norms or expectations. Embracing "your truth" encourages self-acceptance and personal growth.

What is proverbial truth?

Proverbial truth refers to the underlying wisdom or lesson contained in a proverb or saying that is universally accepted as true or valid based on common knowledge or experience. It signifies a belief or idea that is widely recognized and accepted as good advice or guiding principle.

What are words that describe proverbs?

It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.It's a short statement that describes a truth, or concept.

What is a saying or proverb?

All proverbs are simple. A proverb is a short saying that depicts a lesson for living a practical and godly life. Examples of proverbs are "turn the other cheek," and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."