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Q: A so-called 8-digit MGRS coordinate refers to a location read to how many meters?
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A six digit coordinate is accurate to within?

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Plotting a six-digit grid coordinate will get you within how many meters of the point you wish to identify?

100 meters

What is position and how can it be measured and expressed mathematically?

Position describes the location of an object relative to a reference point. It can be measured using coordinates (such as x, y, z) in a Cartesian coordinate system or using angles and distance in a polar coordinate system. Mathematically, position can be expressed as a vector with magnitude and direction.

What is position measured from in science?

In science, position is typically measured relative to a reference point or origin. This reference point is often defined by a coordinate system, such as Cartesian coordinates in geometry, that establishes a fixed point from which distances and directions are calculated.

How far from the central meridian of utm zone is a point having an easterly coordinate of 47500 mE?

25,000 meters

How many digits must there be in a grid coordinate of a target to locate the target to within 100 meters?

If I remember correctly, six digits.

What is a refined grid coordinate?

The more numbers, the more refined it is. For example, a four digit grid coordinate will put you in a 1,000 meter grid square. A six digit grid will put you within a 100 meters of your position (or target), etc.

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There is no fixed size. It depends on the location and the purpose.

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mount Everest 8848 meters in china

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