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External data analysis?

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Q: A sociologist examines the census data from the past fifty years to determine the growth?
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Which term relates to this scenario a sociologist examines the census data from the past fifty years to determine the growth of the population in Florida?

External Data Analysis

What is the best term scenario a sociologist examines the census data from the past fifty years to determine the growth of the population in Florida?

The sociologist's best-case scenario would involve analyzing the census data to identify trends in population growth in Florida over the past fifty years. By examining factors such as birth rates, migration patterns, and demographic changes, the sociologist can gain insights into how the population has evolved and what implications it may have for the future. This analysis could inform policy decisions, urban planning, and social programs to support the changing population dynamics in Florida.

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External data analysis

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sociologist :p

What is the usage of census?

In the US the census helps determine representation in the House of Representatives. It might also affect the apportionment of various federal or state funds. There are hundreds and hundreds of uses for anyone interested in population growth and characteristics.

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How is population growth figured out?

In the United States, a census is taken every ten years to renew numbers of the population along with other facts about the population. Other nations use some sort of census to also determine the size of their populations. Perhaps the census conducted by Caesar Augustus in the early days of the Roman Empire is the most famous one.

How do you use the word census in a sentence?

The census showed that 50% owned their home.

What are four types of information that may be obtained from a census?

A census is an official count. It may apply to property, details of the population , number of men, women and children, the type of work and where they work. Government departments use the detail to evaluate population growth, planning the need for social housing, schools and hospitals. Census may be used to track ancestry, It can apply to traffic, cars and heavy transport giving detail of road usage and providing subsequent detail as to how the system may be improved. It can be used for research, business marketing and planning . The oldest recorded census is from Egypt, around 3000BC. The Romans used census to determine the number of men available for the armed forces. The Doomsday Book of William the Conqueror used census to determine taxes. Many medieval countries used census to determine the nature of the land and the life of its peoples

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