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Q: A solution with a pH of 7 would be considered?
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What is the meaning that the pH of a solution is 4.5?

It means that its an Acid. pH < 7 is acidic. pH > 7 is basic. pH = 7 is neutral.

Does a solution that has pH equals 7 has the same concentration of hydronium ions as a solution that has pOH equals 7?

Yes, if both solutions are at 25oC then in both solutions this is valid: pH + pOH = 14.0

What pH values indicates a solution with the highest concentration of hydrogen ions pH equals 1 or pH equals 2 or Ph equals 7or pH equals 14?

pH = 14 is basic pH = 7 is neutral pH - 1 and 2 are acidic; pH = 1 is more acidic than pH = 2 Therefore a solution at pH 1 has higher concentration of H+ than at pH 14

What numeral value of pH is considered basic?

7 is neutral and greater than 7 is basic

What does the term pH mean?

pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity pH means the power of Hydrogen. It is 'minus the decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity in an aqueous solution'. The term was coined by Sørensen, it measures the alkalinity or acidity of a liquid. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions [H+] in a solution. The concentration of the hydrogen ions is measured in Molarity (M), or moles of H+ ions per liter of solution. The pH is then expressed as the negative log (base ten) of the hydrogen ion concentration. pH = -log[H+] For example, if a solution has a hydrogen ion concentration of 4.75 x 10-5 M (or 4.75 x 10-5 moles of H+ ions per liter of solution), then the pH of the solution would be -log[4.75 x 10-5] = 4.323 pH is generally given on a scale from 0-14, with 0 being the most acidic solution (like HCl) and 14 being the most basic solution (for example, NaOH.), although extreme values may sometimes fall outside that range. Pure water has a pH of 7 because its H+ concentration is 1.0 x 10-7 M -log[1.0 x 10-7] = 7

Related questions

If a solution has a pH of 4 it would be considered?

An acidic solution. Solutions with a pH below 7 are considered acidic.

What would be the pH of a neutral solution An acid solution A basic solution?

The pH of a neutral solution is 7. An acid solution would have a pH below 7, typically ranging from 0 to 6. A basic solution would have a pH above 7, typically ranging from 8 to 14.

When would a solution be considered a base?

When a substance goes above 7 on the pH scale, it is considered a base.

If a solution has a pH of 2 it would be considered?

Very acidic.A pH of 7 is considered neutral while anything above 7 is basic (alkaline) and anything under 7 is acidic.For every number on the pH scale, the change is ten-fold. So a solution with a pH of 2 is 10 times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 3.

If you mix equal amounts of solution A with a pH of 2 and solution B with a pH of 8 is it acidic or basic?

It would be more acidic because the solution with the lower pH (pH of 2) would have a greater influence on the overall pH than the solution with a pH of 8.

A pH of 5.5 would be considered?

A pH of 5.5 would be considered slightly acidic. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7, so a pH of 5.5 indicates that the solution is more acidic than neutral.

What is the pH for basic and acid solution?

A basic solution has a pH greater than 7, while an acid solution has a pH less than 7. Solutions with a pH of 7 are considered neutral.

When pH value of a solution is 7 then what is the nature of that solution?

A pH value of 7 indicates a neutral solution, meaning it is neither acidic nor basic. This is because pH 7 is the mid-point on the pH scale, with values below 7 being acidic and above 7 being basic.

Can you drink a solution if the pH is 7?

Yes, a solution with a pH of 7 is considered neutral and is safe to drink. Water, for example, typically has a pH around 7.

A solution with a pH of 7 must be?

A solution with a pH of 7 is considered neutral. This pH value indicates that the solution is neither acidic nor basic, but rather balanced. Water at room temperature typically has a pH of 7.

The pH of a solution is 6. From this statement alone can you conclude the solution is acidic?

Yes, a pH of 6 indicates that the solution is slightly acidic. Solutions with a pH below 7 are considered acidic, while solutions with a pH above 7 are considered basic.

When the pH of a solution is 7.9 what is the solution described as?

A solution with a pH of 7.9 is considered slightly basic or alkaline. It falls within the range of pH 7-14, where values above 7 indicate basic solutions.