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The wave travels at 320m/s

The echo is heard 2.07 seconds later

In 2.7 seconds, the sound wave has traveled


Because the sound wave has traveled the distance from the tugboat to the reflecting object twice(once going out, once back), the final distance must be divided by 2


The reflecting object is 362.25m away

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8mo ago

The time it takes for the sound wave to travel to the reflecting object and back as an echo is heard is twice the time it takes for the sound wave to travel one way. Therefore, the time it takes for the sound wave to reach the reflecting object is 2.07 seconds divided by 2, which is 1.035 seconds. Using the speed of sound, which is 320 m per second, we can calculate the distance. Distance = speed × time, so the distance to the reflecting object is 320 m/s × 1.035 s, which is approximately 331.2 meters.

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Q: A sound wave traveling at three hundred twenty m per sec is emitted by the foghorn of a tugboat An echo is heard two point zero seven sec later How far away is the reflecting object Answer in units m?
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Can someone make a list of English numbers one hundred to three hundred in words?

one hundred one hundred and one one hundred and two one hundred and three one hundred and four one hundred and five one hundred and six one hundred and seven one hundred and eight one hundred and nine one hundred and ten one hundred and eleven one hundred and twelve one hundred and thirteen one hundred and fourteen one hundred and fifteen one hundred and sixteen one hundred and seventeen one hundred and eighteen one hundred and nineteen one hundred and twenty one hundred and twenty one one hundred and twenty two one hundred and twenty three one hundred and twenty four one hundred and twenty five one hundred and twenty six one hundred and twenty seven one hundred and twenty eight one hundred and twenty nine one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty one one hundred and thirty two one hundred and thirty three one hundred and thirty four one hundred and thirty five one hundred and thirty six one hundred and thirty seven one hundred and thirty eight one hundred and thirty nine one 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two hundred and ninety one two hundred and ninety two two hundred and ninety three two hundred and ninety four two hundred and ninety five two hundred and ninety six two hundred and ninety seven two hundred and ninety eight two hundred and ninety nine three hundred

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