

Best Answer

Day 1 - 8 acorns

Day 2 - 14 acorns

Day 3 - 20 acorns

Day 4 - 26 acorns

Day 5 - 32 acorns

Yes, but why? Most kids will need to show their work, understand the problem, and how to solve the next one:

Day 1 = X

Day 2 = X + 6

Day 3 = X + 12

Day 4 = X + 18

Day 5 = X + 24

100 = 5X + 60

100 - 60 = 5X

40 = 5X

8 = X

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Q: A squirrel ate 100 nuts in 5 days each day eating 6 more than the day before How many nuts did it eat on each of the 5 days?
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Will a tree squirrel kill aground squirrel?

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How do squirrels fight each other?

Squirrels generally do not eat meat at all. Squirrels generally consume nuts and berries for their diet. However, if faced with no food and only a squirrel, they might attack and eat each other. The odds of a squirrel eating another squirrel would be very rare, if at all.

How much water does a squirrel need to actually drink each day?


What are the days of the week and name the creation?

The names of the days of the week are different in each language. You must specify a language before a useful answer can be provided.

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