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Q: A stele is an upright stone slab that is engraved or inscribed.?
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An upright stone slab that is engraved or inscribed is called a?


A stele is an upright stone slab that is engraved or inscribed?

True, it can also be named a tombstone.

An upright stone slab that is engraved or inscribed is called?

An upright stone slab is called a Stele (in the Middle East). If you're looking for the general term it's headstoneor a megalith.Hope this helped you! (=^.^~

What is an upright carved stone slab?


TWOimportant facts about Rosetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone is and engraved stele. It is inscribed in three different languages: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script and Ancient Greek. It was created in 196 BCE on behalf of King Ptolemy V.

What is the name of a stone marker that usually has significant content inscribed on it?

A stele often written as stela or stelae is a slab (made of wood or stone) that has content inscribed on it. The content is commonly a name of someone who is deceased and the stele is used to mark the site of the grave and final resting place.

What is upright stone slab called?

An upright stone slab is called a Stele (in the Middle East). If you're looking for the general term it's headstoneor a megalith.Hope this helped you! (=^.^~

What purpose does a Stele serve?

A Stele is a stone based monument which has either an inscribed, or sculptured surface and serves as a marker for a building or the like. They were also used as gravestones in ancient Rome.

What is the rosette stone?

The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Egyptian artifact inscribed with a decree in three scripts (Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphic). It was instrumental in deciphering hieroglyphs and unlocking the language of ancient Egypt. The stone is currently housed in the British Museum in London.

What is an ancient burial stone?

stele stele

Was Hammurabi's code written in Sumerian?

The ancient stone which the code was carved into was found in Susa, Iran is inscribed in the Akkadian language, using cuneiform script carved into the stele.

What is a roseta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Egyptian stele, or slab, engraved with a decree by King Ptolemy V. It was found in 1799 by a French soldier. It is made of black granite, so it is black in color.