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Q: A structured process to identify and assess hazards. An expression of potential harm described in terms of hazard severity mishap probability and exposu?
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What terms are most closely relateed?

Both A and B

Carlos is the only one of those students who lived up to the potential described in the yearbook.?

Carlos was the only student who met the potential described in the yearbook.

How is energy described when it is not used?

potential energy

What are the types of probability?

They are generally agreed to be theoretical and experimental probabilities. Probability is probability. The concept may be applied to any causal event which has more than one potential outcome.

What type of energy described as stored energy is?

Potential Energy.

The probability of the contractor failing to meet the requirements of the potential contract is considered to be what type of risk?

Technical risk.

What is the mathematical expression for gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy = (object's mass) x (acceleration of gravity) x (object's altitude)

What is the potential voltage?

Unless you are using 'potential' in the general sense (i.e. "What is the possible voltage?"), there is no such engineering term as 'potential voltage'. Voltage is a synonym for 'potential difference', so your expression would then mean "What is the potential potential difference?"Do not mix up 'potential' with 'potential difference' (voltage); they are two different things.

The expression that relates emf potential current and resistance is Ohm's law?

Yes, that is what it is called.

What is the difference between risk and exposure?

An exposure consist of the potential financial effect of an event multiplied by its probability of occurrence and risk is with probability of occurrence. Thus an exposure is a risk times its financial consequences.

What potential problem in cross cultural communication is best described below?

Culture Shock

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Power of ethnocentrism