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Q: A student estimated a mass to be 250 g but upon carefully measuring it found the value to be 240 g. What is the percent error of the estimated mass if the measured value is the accepted one?
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What is the unit that the rain gauge and measuring flask is measured in?

The unit that the rain gauge and measuring flask measured is centimeter

How are windows measured?

with a measuring tape

How does the technique for measuring current with DMM differ from measuring voltage?

current is measured with the meter in series and voltage is measured with the meter in parallel of the load

How is the height of a mountains measured?

The height of a mountain is typically measured from its base to its highest point, known as its summit. This is usually done using topographic maps, aerial photography, satellite data, and advanced surveying techniques such as GPS. The most commonly used measurement for a mountain's height is its elevation above sea level.

Where can you find the estimated digit on a measured number?

A measured number is not estimated. It is measured to the accuracy of the tool being used, though all tools have a certain tolerance and the last digit would be the least accurate.

Are measuring cylinders measured in cm3 or ml3?

they are in ml

Liquid volume should be measured in what?

with measuring tools

Unit of measuring time?

It should be measured in sec.

What is the ability of measuring device to detect small difference in a quantity being measured?

The ability of a measuring device to detect small differences in a quantity being measured is known as sensitivity. A highly sensitive measuring device can accurately capture and quantify even small changes in the measured quantity.

How the length of computer is measured?

You apply a measuring stick or a measuring tape.You apply a measuring stick or a measuring tape.You apply a measuring stick or a measuring tape.You apply a measuring stick or a measuring tape.

What is a rain measured in?

Rainfall is typically measured in millimeters or inches. Rain gauges are used to collect and measure the amount of rain that has fallen in a specific area over a given period of time.

What are the instruments used in measuring inches?

Inches is measured by inch-tape.It is also measured by scale.