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Q: A student spent 2 hours studying 1 hour doing laundry and 1 ½ hours watching television What percentage of time was spent doing laundry?
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Related questions

Any TV shows, books, magazines, or websites with info about laundry room decorating?

you can get laundry rom decorating ideas at this will give you excllent ideas for decorating your laundry room.

What percentage of water is in gain laundry detergent?

Gain laundry detergent is approximately 60-70% water.

What percentage of Canadian women like to do laundry?


Where can I find out more information on laundry?

A good resource for information pertaining to laundry is the magazine Martha Stewart Living. You may also enjoy reading about laundry on the website devoted to her magazine or TV show. She is a worldwide laundry expert and covers everything from how to sort your whites and colors to how to select a new washing machine.

What TV commercial for laundry soap That said Ancient Chinese Secret?


What kind of work do people do around the house on the weekends?

Many people use the weekends to catch up on house cleaning such as laundry, cleaning floors or rearranging furniture and cleaning out closets. Others take the opportunity to spend their free time on weekends to lounge around watching tv or sleeping in.

What TV commercial for laundry soap said Ah ancient Chinese secret?


What are the release dates for Dirty Laundry - 1996 I?

Dirty Laundry - 1996 I was released on: UK: 11 November 1996 (London Film Festival) USA: 25 September 1998 Germany: 11 August 2000 (TV premiere)

What chores can you do?

It depends on what is left to do on your house. Chores can be any thing from washing to dishes, to sweeping, to mowing/shoveling. If you really want your parents/roommates to appreciate your hard work, do laundry!

What is the plural of shampoo?

Soap, as in bars or detergent, is usually used collectively. However, if you are referring to different brands or uses, the plural is "soaps". (also used for "soap opera") Example : "I bought some soap, for the bath and the laundry." Example : "I tried various soaps for my complexion." Example: "She spent all day watching the soaps on TV."

Bleach is also a?

1. An animated television show. 2. A toxic chemical commonly found in laundry rooms. 3. A cleaning agent.

What percentage of water is in laundry detergent?

Typically, laundry detergent products contain around 50-70% water as part of their formulation, which helps to dissolve and disperse the active cleaning ingredients.