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I assume you mean 1 cubic centimetre?

1 gm of water.

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Q: A substance which has a volume of one cm?
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What is the amount of matter in a given unit volume?

That depends on the substance being studied. "Given unit volume" means 1 liter, for instance, or one cubic centimeter - the specific volume being discussed. Once cubic cm of water would have less matter (is lighter) than one cubic cm of lead (is heavier.) Think about it this way - the more tightly packed a substance is, the more matter there is in one cubic cm of that substance. This is called the substance's DENSITY. If this is a hw problem you're trying to solve, you multiply the volume of substance by that substance's density (which you should find in a table or whatever.) Mind your units!

What is the density of a substance with a mass of 25 g and a volume of 100cm3?

The density of the substance is 0.25 g/cm^3. This is calculated by dividing the mass (25 g) by the volume (100 cm^3).

What is the volume for a 1 cubic cm copper?

1 cubic cm is precisely equal to a volume of 1 cubic cm.Of ANY substance.

What is the volume of 32 cm and 160 square cm?

If 160 square cm represents an area of a substance and 32 cm its height, then volume = 160x32 = 5120 cubic cm

What substance has a mass of 9 grams and a volume of 6 cm?

A substance with a density of 1.5.For example Calcium.

What is density of a 24g mass of a substance that has a volume of 4.8cm cubed?

The density of the substance can be calculated by dividing the mass (24g) by the volume (4.8 cm^3). Therefore, the density of the substance is 5 g/cm^3.

What are some examples of a substance that has a volume of 1 cm to the third power?


What is the amount of substance in given unit of volume called?

The amount of substance in a given unit of volume is called concentration. It is typically expressed as the number of moles of a substance per unit volume, such as mol/L (molarity) or mol/cm³.

What is a substance with the mass of 6.48 g and the volume of 3 cm?

To determine the substance, we need to calculate its density using the formula: Density = Mass/Volume. In this case, the density would be 6.48 g / 3 cm^3 = 2.16 g/cm^3. Without additional information about the substance, we cannot accurately identify what it is.

What is the volume of one penny?

The volume is 2.5439333 cm ³.

What is the density of a substance that has a volume of Cm and a mass of g?

It is approx 1.88 g/cm3.