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Stratified Sampling Method

Stratified sampling is a probability sampling technique wherein the researcher divides the entire population into different subgroups or strata, then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata.

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Q: A survey was mailed to a total of 400 students 100 were randomly selected from each of the freshman sophomore junior and senior classes last semester What sampling method was used?
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What is non-probability sampling?

Non probability sampling is where the samples are not selected randomly.

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What difference between Statistical Sampling and non statistical sampling?

an approach to sampling that has the characteristics of being randomly selected and the use of probability theory to evaluate sample results. Whereas non-statistical sampling is therefore any sampling approach that does not have both of the characteristicss of statistical sampling. I hope this will help....

Why is quota sampling different from other samplings?

Both being sub-parts of probability sampling, Random sampling differs in the sense as the sample is chosen out of a whole population randomly. whereas cluster sampling is extracted from a population already been selected by the same organization. eg. out of a whole population an area is selected by the management, which is the cluster, and is handed over to you to perform the tests necessary. Stratified sampling on the other hand is extracted according to the the categories the selected sample belongs to. These sectors selected might be on the basis of their nature of work, dealings etc. eg. industrial, commercial, residential and so on.

What is probability sampling and non probability sampling?

In probability sampling,every item in the population has a known chance of being selected as a member.In non-probability sampling, the probability that any item in the population will be selected for a sample cannot be determined.

How are Olympic judges selected?

randomly they were just picked randomly.

What is the definition of nonprobability sampling?

Non-probability sampling is a type of sampling technique whereby all the units of a population do not have an equal chance of being selected in the may further be divided intoConvenience: Sampling units are selected as per convenience of the researcherPurposive: The units selected in a sample are selected because they posses some requires characteristic e.g., clinical knowledge etc

What are the 4 kinds of sampling methods in math?

random sampling ,systematic sampling , self-selected , and there is one more i don't know

What is the probability that a randomly selected person will be both over 50 and female?

The answer depends on the demography of the population from which the person is randomly selected.The answer depends on the demography of the population from which the person is randomly selected.The answer depends on the demography of the population from which the person is randomly selected.The answer depends on the demography of the population from which the person is randomly selected.

What is the difference between practical generalizability and statistical generalizability?

Statistical: must have random sampling, allows you to generalize to the population from which you randomly selected. Practical: do the results hold for similar individuals? allows you to generalize to similar individuals

What is random sampleng?

Random sampling can be defined as the selection of a random sample; each element of the population had an equal chance of been selected. Random sampling is used in psychology, statistics, math, sociology, movement and research.

A researcher polled 230 freshmen at a university and found 110 of them were enrolled in a history class Estimate the probability that a randomly selected freshman is enrolled in a history class?

About 48% or if you want to be more accurate the actual answer was 47.826%