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A constant like "c" equals the speed of light in E=mc2

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Q: A symbol representing a value that does not change?
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What is a symbol representing value that doesn't change?

It is often represented by c for constant or k for its phonetic equivalent. But as long as you declare it as a constant, any symbol will do.

What is the decimal value of 79?

Representing a number in decimal form does not change its value. Its value remains at 79 however it it written.

What is a variable representing the value being manipulated or changed called?

A variable is a symbol or name used to represent a value that can be manipulated or changed during the course of a program.

What symbol is to represent the change in value?

The symbol that represents change is delta. (It looks like a little triangle before the unit) ..../\..... ../....\..... /____\....

What is the name for the sign representing the word and?

The symbol representing the word "and" is called an ampersand (&).

What is a Buddhist symbol for change or growing up?

One Buddhist symbol representing change or growth is the lotus flower. The lotus grows in muddy water and emerges clean and pure, symbolizing the journey from darkness to light or from ignorance to enlightenment. The blooming of the lotus also represents spiritual growth and transformation.

What is the letter representing a element?

Atomic Symbol

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What is the symbol that represents a value?

Answer£ $ € -- Very valuable! Answer:Assuming the question was about valves there are various symbols for different valve types. (See Link) . Most incorporate intersecting arrowheads (-|>

What does neon's symbol mean?

The symbol for neon is Ne and it is the short form for representing the element neon.

What is a symbol representing sister?

there is a synbol that means sister hood lookit up

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