Frequency table.
A frequency table is a table that lists items and uses tally marks to record and show the number of times they occur.
There can be no sensible answer to this question. It mentions "numbers" and then lists only one number! One number is different from numbers!
The Urban Dictionary lists five possible definitions, none of which are particularly polite, ranging from racial characteristics to defecation.
Look it up here:
Frequency table.
quantitative data is data that is mainly number's hahaha
A bill of lading is provided with materials to confirm the number and type of items delivered. The bill of lading lists the order number and what is in the order. It also lists the weight of the product which is very important in the trucking industry.
A bill of lading is provided with materials to confirm the number and type of items delivered. The bill of lading lists the order number and what is in the order. It also lists the weight of the product which is very important in the trucking industry.
HTML also contains a provision of Lists in it. They can be numbered if the option <ol> is used before <li>.
A frequency table is a table that lists items and uses tally marks to record and show the number of times they occur.
Semicolons are used instead of commas to separate items in lists if the items themselves contain commas. Example: The specialties at that clinic are endocrinology; ophthalmology; ear, nose, and throat; and neurology.
According to Top Ten Lists, fencing is number 56 on the most dangerous sports.
That would be 1903 according to the Blue Book's serialization lists.
Lists of words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (synonyms and antonyms). It differs from a dictionary, which contains definitions and pronunciation.
There are 3 different types of list in X/HTML. Ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists. Order lists are made using the OL tag and LI (list items), and display, by default, in a format that is numbered sequentially, starting at 1. The number system, by default is Arabic. Unordered lists are made using the UL tag and list items. They display with bullets preceding each list item. Definition lists are made using the DL tag (definition list) and contain DT (definition term) and DD tags (Definition definition). By default, the definitions are indented from the terms, without other formatting.