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93 centigrade

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Q: A temperature of 200 degrees F is equivalent to approximately how many degrees Celsius?
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What is the temperature of 1064 in degrees Fahrenheit?

1064 degrees Celsius is equivalent to approximately 1947 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature does ethnol boil at?

Ethanol boils at a temperature of approximately 78.37 degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to 173.07 degrees Fahrenheit.

A temperature of 20 c is equivalent to approximatly?

A temperature of 20 degrees Celsius is equivalent to approximately 68 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also equivalent to 293 Kelvin.

A temperature of 200 F is equivalent to approximately what Celsius?

200°F is equivalent to approximately 93°C.

What would be the Celsius temperature of 122 degrees f?

122 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to approximately 50 degrees Celsius.

A Celsius temperature of 100 degrees is equivalent to a Fahrenheit temperature of what?

A Celsius temperature of 100 degrees is equivalent to a Fahrenheit temperature of 212 degrees.

What is the equivalent of -9 Celsius?

-9 degrees Celsius is equivalent to approximately 15.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 26.5 degrees farhrenheit in celsius?

26.5 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately -3.06 degrees Celsius. This conversion can be done by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and then multiplying by 5/9 to get the equivalent Celsius temperature.

How hot is 5500 degrees Celsius?

5500 degrees Celsius is extremely hot, approximately equivalent to the surface temperature of the sun. At this temperature, most materials would melt or even vaporize.

What is the equivalent of 57 degrees Fahrenheit?

57 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to approximately 13.89 degrees Celsius.

What is 101 degrees in Celsius?

Temperature is easy to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius yourself. You can use the formula Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32) where Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 101 F is 38 C.

At what temperature is Fahrenheit double Celsius?

At approximately -12.3 °F the equivalent temperature in Celsius is -24.6 °C. This is the only temperature at which the value of the temperature in Celsius is double that of the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature. To be more precise, the temperatures are -12 4/13 °F and -24 8/13 °C.