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Q: A theory may be revised or replaced by a more useful explanation true or false?
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How is the pascal triangle useful?

We can use it to find the coefficients of numbers when we expand a binomial. We also use it in probability theory. In fact there are many uses for it.

What is the difference in Chaos theory and String theory?

Chaos theory basically says that there are situations where you can't predict what's going to happen next. Like duh. Scientists and engineers have known all along that there are plenty of equations that have poles and zeroes-- places where the equation blows up or divides by zero, making the results unpredictable. There are also equations with positive feedback, where things are okay for a while but there are points, like balancing a ball at the top of a hill, where the slightest influence can drive it downhill in any direction.Not a terribly useful theory IMHO-- but an useful reminder that equations have their limitations.String theory I don't understand at all, but I'm not alone. Apparently the math is quite beautiful and somehow explains other things, somehow. But they've been working on it for like 20 years now, with no great advances, so maybe it's just a tantalyzing dead-end. Ideally you'd get some useful predictions or numbers out of string theory, but no soap so far it seems. Ideally someone will notice that the 23rd dimension of one string crossed with the 19th of another gives a number that's exactly equal to the mass of the electron, now THAT would be a useful prediction.

What are the application of probability theory in business?

There is no such thing as "the" application. It is a useful tool in any situation where the future is unknown yet decisions have to be made as to the future. Isn't that almost any area of company management?

What is the comparative and superlative forms of useful?

more useful, the most useful

Comparative of useful?

The words useful to are also found in construction such as It is useful to do.

Related questions

A theory may be revised or replaced by a more useful explanation is this true or false?


Is the following sentence true or false A theory may be revised pr replaced by a more useful explanation?

That's true. A theory es exactly that - theory... Results from experimentation can prove or disprove a theory.

Why aren't theories considered absolute truth?

Theories aren't considered absolute truths because science is always changing; as new evidence is uncovered, a theory may be revised or replaced by a more useful explanation.

What is the contribution of the astronomer Copernicus using the term heliocentric?

Copernicus developed an interim theory of the planets in which the Sun was at the centre instead of the Earth as had previously been believed. Although Copernicus's theory only lasted from 1543 to 1609 when Kepler's theory replaced it, it is regarded as a useful step along the way.

Why are theories and laws not absolute?

Because they may not apply in all situations.The first law of thermodynamics is true everywhere.The second law of thermodynamics isn't true inside the event horizon of a black holeThe third law of thermodynamics isn't a law but merely a point of reference to make measurements from.Newtonian laws of motion are not absolutely true but are only approximately true but valid for things that travel at less than 1/2 the speed of light.

Why is theory useful?

To help get into the criminal mind. Artixthepaladin

Can the chaos theory predict hurricanes?

No; chaos theory is more useful to explain why hurricanes CANNOT be predicted.

What is the theory of torsion and shafts?

This link may be useful as an introduction.

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Is Newton's Laws of Gravity true?

Newton's laws of gravity were groundbreaking when they were formulated and are still widely used today for many practical applications. However, they were later replaced by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which provides a more accurate and comprehensive explanation of gravity on a cosmic scale. So while Newton's laws are true within certain limits and are still useful in many contexts, they are not the complete picture of gravitational physics.

Does the cosmic background radiation support the big bang theory in 1965?

The big bang theory is a useful and effective explanation for the cosmic microwave background, as well as for a number of other observations. Theories are proposed to explain observations. Real scientists don't pull theories out of the air and then go looking for ways to support them. That's not how science works.

What makes evolution a therory?

Evolution is considered a scientific theory because it is well-supported by evidence from various fields such as genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy. The theory of evolution explains how species change over time through a process of natural selection, genetic variation, and adaptation to their environment. It has undergone rigorous testing and peer review, which has strengthened its validity as a foundational concept in biology.