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Q: A theory that has been proven true repeatedly over time and never disproven is called?
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What do you call a concept that has not been proven or disproven yet?

A theory

What does a hypothesis become after it is tested and proven?

A hypothesis, or group of hypotheses, that is accepted as consistently valid is a theory. Either a hypothesis or a theory can be ultimately disproven. One definition of a theory is an accepted hypothesis.

Is one God theory correct?

It is a theory that can't be scientifically proven or disproven. As a theory, it's a belief or principle that guides the people who believe in it. One God is as good a theory as any other and by far the most widely accepted.

Can a scientific theory ever be disproven?


What evidence was there to prove that the phlogiston pheory was correct?

The phlogiston theory was proven incorrect through experiments that showed the production of ashes when substances burned, contradicting the theory that burning releases phlogiston. Additionally, the discovery of oxygen and its role in combustion provided a more accurate explanation for the process.

What are facts proving the Big bang theory?

If it was proven it wouldn't be called a "theory"

Can theories be proven?

Well yeah. Its called a theory because it wasn't proven right yet. Once proven right, its called a fact.

What is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly and rigorously tested and supported?

The hypothesis which has been tested and verified repeatedly by tests is called theory.

What are some words that mean the opposite of theory?

A theorem is an unproven statement; a proven statement is a fact. A theory is a set of theorems; a theory which has been proven can be called a law or a rule.

What term is defined as an idea accepted as most likely true because is supported by a lot of evidence?

Theory. (a hypothesis is an idea that may be the answer to some question but has not yet been rigorously tested and thus has not yet reached 'theory' status) Theories may be disproven, but that is very unusual, most of the time hypothesis that are disproven through testing never make it to the theoretical stage. For example, while evolution is called a theory, it is widely accepted in science as something that has been rigorously tested and examined, and proven to be true beyond any doubt. There are some accepted 'laws' in science but that is seen in physics or math.

How was Benjamin Spock theory proven?

dr Benjamin spocks theory was proven ina book called Baby and child care! its a simple answer read the book and you have your answers

Is a proven theory still a theory?

No it would be a theorem if it was proven.