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Q: A truck 3500kg if drive up a slope that is 0.5km at the top of the slope your 200m higher in elevation what is the force has your engine exerted to drove up the slope?
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What if your truck weighs 3500 kg you drive up a gentle slope that is 5kg long At the top of the slope you are 200m higher in elevation then when you started with no friction what was the force?

14000N is the correct answer

Where do you find wolfsbane?

you can find wolfsbane in the Alps it grows natruly in the damp woods it is a threatened spicies and it prouduces sulfur-yellow flowers between June & August the higher the elevation the more flowers it will get and the longer it will last.

How many cylinders is 2700cc?

2700cc is the displacement of the engine. Typically, the higher the displacement, the more cylinders the engine will have. 2.7 liters (which is 2700cc) would make for a larger 4 cylinder engine, or a smaller 6 cylinder engine. Though it would be rare, it would be a good size for a 5 cylinder engine. Other configurations are possible also.

Why is the resultant of the two vectors always closer to the vector having higher magnitude?

Consider a box being pulled by two people in the top and the right direction. If the person who is pulling the box from the right is the stronger person, he exerts more force on the box [i.e, the magnitude of the force exerted toward the right is higher], it is more likely that the box will move in his direction. Quite similarly, when considering the resultant of two vectors, the resultant is bound to be closer to the higher magnitude. I hope that made sense.

How does inclined planes make work easier?

it reduces the amount of power and distance needed to make it more efficient. ******************************* An inclined plane, also known as a ramp, allows us to roll any wheeled platform (such as a bicycle, a wheelchair, or a car) to a higher or lower elevation, without having to pick it up.

Related questions

A light truck weighs 3500kg you drive up a gentle slope 0.5km long at the top ofslope you are 200 m higher in elevation than when you stated assuming no friction what force has your engine exerted to?


A truck weighs 3500kg you drive 0.5 km long The top of the slope you are 200 m higher in elevation than when started Assuming no friction what force has your engine exerted to drive up this slope?

The work done by the engine is equal to the change in potential energy. The change in potential energy is given by the formula mgh, where m is the mass of the truck, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height difference in meters. Substituting in the given values, we have (3500kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 200m) = 6,860,000 J.

Which part of the US has higher elevation the southeast or the northeast?

The northeast has higher elevation

When was Higher Elevation created?

Higher Elevation was created on 2005-06-01.

What country has a higher average elevation?

The country with the higher average elevation is Bhutan.

How do index contours let you know if the land you are viewing are increasing or decreasing?

Each index contour has an elevation associated with it. When you look at 2 contours, one will have a higher corresponding elevation. As you go from the lower elevation to the higher elevation, you know that the land is increasing in the direction toward the higher elevation. From the higher to the lower elevation, the land is decreasing (sloping downward, decreasing in elevation).

Do asthma symptoms get worse at a higher elevation?

Usually, yes because the higher the elevation, the thinner the air.

Which has a higher elevation the Congo Basin or the Rift Valley?

The rift valley has higher elevation you welcome peoplez

Which has a higher elevation Helsinki or Sofia?

Sofia, Bulgaria has a higher elevation than Helsinki, Finland.

Why are areas of higher elevation colder compared to areas of lower elevation?

Areas of higher elevation are colder compared to areas of lower elevation because the air pressure is lower at higher elevations, causing the air to expand and cool. Additionally, as you move higher in elevation, the atmosphere becomes thinner and contains less heat-absorbing gases, leading to lower temperatures.

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Well Jacksonville Florida has a higher elevation than Columbus Ohio.

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A mountain has a higher elevation than a hill. Mountains are typically taller and more massive landforms, with a higher elevation above sea level compared to hills.