However, as long as you wanted to be!
A conversion factor.
The unit of measurement that would be best for measuring the distance from the North Pole to the equator is kilometers (km) or nautical miles (nmi). These units are commonly used to measure long distances and are suitable for measuring the Earth's surface.
It is the metric or SI scale for linear measurement.
a Lightyear, around 1013 kilometres.
Light Year is unit for all astronomic distances
A metric unit of measurement for mass is called a gram.
It is called measurement. By comparing a specific aspect of an object with a standard unit, you can quantify the attribute in terms of the unit of measurement.
An Astronomical Unit is the distance between Earth and the Sun and is used as a measurement unit for measuring the distances of other objects from Earth.
The unit for measuring long distances used by most nations of the world is the kilometer.
The standard unit measurement for a single dose of Botox is called a "unit."
The unit of measurement used to measure distances between galaxies is typically the light-year, which is the distance that light travels in one year. This unit is used because of the vast distances involved in intergalactic space.
The international unit is the Joule.
AU is not used to measure the distances on earth, because a astronomical unit is a unit of measurement equal to the distance between Earth and Sun. So that's why you cannot use Au for measure the distances on Earth.
However, as long as you wanted to be!