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velocity = frequency x wavelength 4 = 3.5 x wavelength

wavelength = 4/3.5

wavelength = 1.14285714

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Q: A wave travels at a velocity of 4.0 ms and has a frequency of 3.5 hz what is the wavelength?
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What is the scientific definition of wave velocity?

Wave velocity is the speed at which a wave travels through a medium. It is determined by the frequency and wavelength of the wave, following the equation velocity = frequency x wavelength.

A wave's velocity is the product of the?

A wave's velocity is the product of its frequency and wavelength. The velocity of a wave can also be determined by the medium through which it is traveling, as different mediums can affect the speed at which a wave travels.

What do we call a speed at which a wave travels?

The speed at which a wave travels is called its velocity. This velocity is typically determined by the frequency and wavelength of the wave.

How is wave velocity determined?

Wave velocity is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling and the properties of the wave itself, such as frequency and wavelength. It can be calculated as the product of wavelength and frequency or by dividing the distance the wave travels by the time it takes to travel that distance. Additionally, the type of wave, such as sound or light, can also affect the velocity at which it travels through a medium.

What of the wave depends upon the material the wave travels through?

1)velocity 2)wavelength 3)frequency

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.

What is the relationship between the velocity frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of a wave is the product of its frequency and wavelength. This relationship is described by the formula: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa.

How do you calculate the velocity of a wave?

The velocity of a wave can be calculated by multiplying the wavelength of the wave by its frequency. This equation is often denoted as v = λ * f, where v represents velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency of the wave. Alternatively, the velocity of a wave can be found by dividing the distance the wave travels by the time it takes to travel that distance.

What is the relationship between velocity and frequency?

Velocity and frequency are related in wave physics. The speed of a wave is determined by the product of its frequency and wavelength. As frequency increases, velocity also increases if the wavelength remains constant. This relationship is described by the equation: velocity = frequency x wavelength.

What is the equation shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency?

The equation that shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency is: wavelength = velocity / frequency. This equation is derived from the wave equation, which states that the speed of a wave is equal to its frequency multiplied by its wavelength.

How can you double the frequency of a wave if you have control over both the wavelength and the wave velocity?

To double the frequency of a wave, you need to halve either the wavelength or the wave velocity. This is because frequency is inversely proportional to both wavelength and wave velocity. So, if you decrease either the wavelength or the wave velocity by half, the frequency will double.

The speed at which a wave travels through a medium is called what?

The speed at which a wave travels through a medium is called the wave speed or wave velocity. It is determined by the properties of the medium, such as its density and elasticity, and is independent of the wavelength and frequency of the wave.