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Q: A way to Quantify the value of a purchase?
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Which of these is one way to quantify the value of a good or service?

You can quantify the value of a good or service by doing a market comparison of that good or service.

Which of these is one way to quantify value of a good service?

By finding the monetary value of something the person would willingly trade in exchange for the good or service <---Apex (:

What is one way yo quantify the personal value of a good or service?

By finding the monetary value of something the person would willingly trade in exchange for the good or service

How does a company quantify the value of supply strategic relation management?

A company can quantify the value of strategic supply relationships by comparing the data from before implementation to the data after implementation of a just in time delivery system..

How do you quantify a variable?

explain what it means to quantify a variable I think to quantify a variable is to be able to place a value/figure to something. eg: smoking 1 cigarette a day can reduce your life expectancy by say... 7mins. Any other ideas... someone?

What is it called when scientist quantify their observations of their surroundings?

Data is defined as distinct pieces of information, usually formatted in a special way, and are what scientists quantify their observations of their surroundings.

What is the past tense of quantify?

The past tense of quantify is quantified.

What information does earned value management project?

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a technique used to measure progress. It is used in project management to identify work, valuate and quantify the work.

What is measurement quantity?

Measurement quantity refers to a numeric value that represents a physical property of an object or substance, such as length, mass, volume, temperature, or time. It helps provide a standardized way to quantify and compare characteristics of objects or events in the physical world.

Is sales tax on a car purchase price or car value?

Sales tax is on the purchase price not the value.

Why is it necessary to quantify measuring mass?

Type your answer here... why is it necessary to quantify measuring?

What are the characteristics of magnitude?

Magnitude is a measure of the size or quantity of an object or phenomenon, often represented by a numerical value. It can refer to physical properties like length, mass, or energy, or abstract concepts like importance or intensity. Magnitude helps to quantify and compare different entities or events in a standardized way.