There are 26 possible letters and 10 possible numbers. The number of license plates possible is then 26*26*10*10*10*10 = 6760000.
I would say that the easiest way is with proportions. Say you need to figure what percent of 10 is 5. 5 x _ = _ 10 100 10x=500 ______ 10 10 x= 50 what is 50% of 10 x 50 __ = __ 10 100 100x=500 ________ 100 100 x=5 5 is 50% of what 5 50 _ = __ x 100 50x=500 ________ 50 50 x=10
This question cannot be solved. The answer is 96 10 is 3 letters = 3 9 is 4 letters = 4 60 is five letters = 5 90 is six letters = 6 70 is seven letters = 7 66 is eight letters = 8 what has 9 letters 96 I think this was one of those horrible 'google' interview questions
You don't say how many letters there are in the word.... 4 - hadj 5 - banjo 6 - donjon 7 - conjure 8 - marjoram 9 - conjugate 10 - disjointed
Please Do Not Disturb was created on 2010-10-10.
Do Not Disturb - 2011 II was released on: USA: 10 May 2011
There are 10 letters in the word "California."
Trivial Things That People Say in Normal Letters - 2005 was released on: USA: 10 June 2005 (48 Hour Film Project)
turquoise boo 9 letters aquamarine ah 10 letters
The Whalestoe Letters was created on 2000-10-10.
One vehicle with 10 letters in its name is the Chevrolet Camaro. The name "Camaro" consists of six letters, and when combined with "Chevrolet," which has nine letters, the total comes to 15 letters. Another vehicle with 10 letters in its name is the Volkswagen Beetle. The name "Beetle" has six letters, and when combined with "Volkswagen," which has 10 letters, the total also comes to 16 letters.
You cannot (answer dated 10 September 2011).
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have 10 letters in their name.
9 different letters and a total of 10 letters