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Heat rises so you want to keep heat in the home in winter and to keep heat out in the summer.

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Q: A well insulated house should have insulation with an r-value of at least r-19 in the walls and an r-value of r-30 to r-44 in the ceilings why is higher r-value needed in the ceilings?
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How many BTU s is needed to reach 115 degrees f?

That depends on the starting temperature, the substance being heated, and how well insulated it is from its surroundings.

Does insulation save energy?

Technically, no. However, in this context, yes. It wouldn't actually save energy, but it can lower the amount if energy needed to do a task. For example, if you insulate your house well, you would not need to heat/cool is as aggressively because the hot/cold air would not pass through the walls to the outside air nearly as easily as a house that has no or poor insulation.

How many square feet of sidewall does a bag of cellulose insulation cover?

Since there is no standard bag of cellulose insulation you will have to calculate the coverage of the specific product to be installed. Bags usually range in size from 18 pounds to 40 pounds. Cellulose must be installed at a minimum of 3 pcf in walls. A typical cavity in a house with nom 2 x 4 framing is a little less than 3 cubic feet. Thus, you need about 9 pounds of insulation per cavity. From this you can easily calculate the minimum amount of material needed to insulate a wall.

The probable cause needed to detain and the probable cause needed to go to trial require the same amount of proof?

No, the amount of proof needed for detention and for going to trial is different. For detention, the probable cause standard is relatively low and requires enough evidence to establish a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed. On the other hand, to go to trial, a higher standard of proof, such as beyond a reasonable doubt, is typically required to establish guilt.

How many years are needed in college to be an oceanographer?

== == Typically it takes at least 4-5 years to get any kind of decent degree in oceanography. Add another 2-5 on for higher degrees.

Related questions

Why is Insulator needed?

For houses, insulation is needed to keep the house warm in winter.

Why mosfet has insulated gate?

The SiO2 layer acts as an insulator and also it provides high input impedance to the MOSFET. This insulation is needed so that a circuit with high EMI or loads which generate back emf (motors) can be driven by applying gate current from a common circuit.

How much insulation do you predict is needed for a home in Alabama?


How much blow in insulation needed for 12' x 14' attic space?

It is difficult to give an answer in terms of number of inches or total volume / number of bags required. For one thing, it depends on how deep the insulation is, i.e. it takes twice as much to make it 6 inches deep as it does to make it 3 inches deep. The deeper / thicker the insulation, the more it insulates. This is usually expressed as an "R-Value" where a higher value is more insulation. Note also that there are different kinds of blow-in insulation, e.g. fiberglass and cellulose. These have different properties and require different amounts to achieve the same thermal effect. One easy way to figure this out would be to go to the store where you plan to purchase the insulation and look at the bag. The bag will have a chart that shows the square footage or dimensions of the space to be insulated and the number of bags required to achieve various R-Values. If you know the company who manufactures the insulation, you can check their website. It is quite likely they have a similar chart of calculator as well.

Could you tell me Which is provides more insulation from heat hip or gable roof?

Neither should have an advantage if insulated correctly and with the same amount of insulation. Eaves are more difficult to insulate as an air cavity just below the roof deck is needed for proper ventilation. Gable walls won't require this. The most important part would be to get a raised heel on the trusses as to give enough space for the proper r value and ventilation.

Is Insulation is needed to prevent the unwanted transfer of thermal energy into or out of a building?


Why a megger fail to distinguish diff readings of d insulation resistance in d upper range of its scale?

More information is needed as to what your terminology of D insulation is.

How is heat wasted immersion heaters?

Heat can be wasted in immersion heaters through poor insulation, inefficient design, improper sizing for the application, or by leaving the heater on when not needed. To minimize heat waste, it is important to use properly insulated immersion heaters, select the right size for the specific heating requirements, and only operate them when necessary.

Where is the best place to get duct insulation?

Energy Star provides services for you to get duct insulation done. You can also buy the accessories needed from home depot or Lowes and do it yourself.

What size heat pump is needed for 1700 sq ft single floor?

A 4 ton heat pump should be fine, depends on how well your house is insulated. If the house is well insulated you might be fine with a smaller unit.

If you have three rooms at the end of a hall way with 9' ceilings- How many smoke detectors are needed for that area?

One in each room and one in the hall.

What size wrench needed for spark plugs in a 1995 Ford Taurus?

5/8 deep insulated spark plug socket