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He the man emerged wet!!
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Q: A well measuring six feet in diameter and ten feet deep with smooth walls and its bottom covered with water a man is alone how did he emerge from the well?
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How did My cousin Robert was pushed into will measuring 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep with smooth walls and it's bottom covered with water how did he emerge from the well?

the fire department came and got him out

How close can the ocean bottom get to the ocean surface?

0 mm. When you watch the tide go out and see rocks emerge, the ocean bottom is now at the ocean surface.

In what order should a baby's new teeth emerge?

First are the central incisors on the bottom,then the central incisors on the top,then the lateral incisors on the top,then the lateral incisors on the bottom. And so on. Check the link for a more detailed chart.

What word class is emerge?

"Emerge" is a verb.

What is the past tense of emerge?

The past tense of emerge is emerged.

What kind of sentences can you make with the word emerge?

"A beautiful butterfly will emerge from its chrysalis." "New opportunities may emerge from unexpected challenges." "After the storm, a sense of calm began to emerge."

What does emerge an d unconscious mean?

what does emerge mean

What is a syonym for emerge?

One synonym for emerge is "appear."

A sentence using the word emerge?

day by day,i could slowly see the young seed emerge from the soil

Put the word emerge in a sentence?

A chick will emerge from the egg.

Meaning of emerge?

Emerge is moving in or out of way and to come into sight.

Adult moths emerge from pupae the moths mate the female produces eggs which hatch and larvae emerge?

The larvae emerge as caterpillars.