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If the intervals are of different width, then it is a histogram.

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Q: A what uses bars to represent the frequency of data that have been organized in intervals?
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Related questions

Why do the bars touch in histograms?

The intervals that the bars represent are touching each other.

What is a Graph with bars that represent intervals of data?

a bar graph

What do you mean by histogram?

A histogram is a chart comprising bars but, unlike an ordinary bar chart, the widths (intervals) of the bars are different and their heights represent the frequency densities, not frequencies.

What is a bar graph in which the labels for the bars are numerical intervals?


What do the stars and bars on the American flag represent?

The bars are representing all of the bars of chocolate the Americans eat. The stars represent the average number of chins per family

When marimba bars and columns vibrate at the same frequency what occurs?

When marimba bars and columns vibrate at the same frequency, resonance occurs. This amplifies the sound produced by the marimba bars as the columns enhance the vibrations. Resonance is a natural phenomenon that magnifies vibrations when objects vibrate at their natural frequency.

How are histograms and bar graphs different?

In a bar graph, the height of the bars is relative to the frequency. In a histogram, the area of the bars is relative to the frequency. Because it deals with area, the label on the y-axis is "frequency density" rather than just "frequency"

What is a histogram for?

A histogram is when the bars are touching and it graphs what you have on your frequency table.

What do the stars on the flag represent on the American flag?

The bars are representing all of the bars of chocolate the Americans eat. The stars represent the average number of chins per family

What do error bars show within treatments?

Error bars within treatments typically show the variability or uncertainty in the data points related to that specific treatment. They can represent standard deviation, standard error, confidence intervals, or other measures of dispersion, depending on the study design and statistical analysis. Error bars provide a visual way to assess the precision and reliability of the data within each treatment group.

What three colours are used on a climate graph?

Typically, climate graphs use blue bars to represent precipitation, red bars to represent temperature, and black lines to represent average temperature.

What is a histogram used for?

A histogram is when the bars are touching and it graphs what you have on your frequency table.