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Q: About three quarters of the Russian people live in?
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What and why are living quarters?

Living quarters are where people can live, or shelter. People live in them for shelter.

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About three quarters of the Russia people live?

About three quarters of the Russian population live in urban areas, with major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg having significant populations. The remaining quarter of the population resides in rural areas, small towns, and villages spread across the vast country. Urbanization has been a prominent trend in Russia over recent decades.

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Quarters are always places that people sleep or live.

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Our Russian friends lived in Bokaro Steel City's Sector 4's 'Russian Colony' in C type quarters. Some of them still live there with their families.

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Three quarters of the people that live in Russia, most likely living in Urban areas.

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its the place where the people used to live. i wonder where they are......

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If they live in a democracy, they attempt to organize and effect change by voting -- while remembering that three quarters of the world's people do not necessarily agree with their assumptions.

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Russian's are fat!

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