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Q: According to the order of operations consecutive operators with the same level of what are calculated from left to right?
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What are the different types of operations of c?

c have different types of operations are there these are 1:logical operators 2:conditional 3:arithmetic 4:bit wise operators 5:increment&decrement 6:relational operators 7:assignment operators 8:special operators we can use above operators. we can implementing the operations. suppose logical operators &&,,! by using these we can implement operations

What do you understand by operators in BASIC?

Operators are the symbols, which are used to perform different arithmetical and logical operations in BASIC.

What is PHP operators?

PHP Operators are syntactical constructs that assign, compare, or modify a value. There are bitwise operators, arithmetic operators, boolean operators, assignment operators, and concatenation operators. There are also a wide variety of functions and class methods which simulate or utilize these operations.

Are characters or symbols that perform operations on one or more operands?


These are symbols or words that perform operations on one or more operands?

either operators or functions

What are valid Excel arithmetic operators?

The following are valid Excel operators for arithmetic: + (plus) - (minus) / (divide) * (multiply) ^ (power of) These can help you create operations, which would be your formulas that use the operators: =A2+A7 =10^2

What are Consecutive Fractions?

A consecutive fraction is a number written as a series of alternating multiplicative inverses and integer addition operators. Consecutive fractions are studied in the number theory branch of mathematics. Consecutive fractions are also known as continued fractions and extended fractions.

Write a programme to perform binary operations on integer argument The arguments and operators should be accepted using command line parameters?

There are many different operators, which are you referring to?

How many types of operators?

The different types of operators are: Assignment operator- This is used to assign values to variables. Ex: = Arithmetic Operators - These are used to perform arithmetic operations. Ex: +, -, *, /, % Logical Operators - These are used to perform logical checks like: I < 10 or x == Y etc.

What are the uses of logical operators in Java?

Logical Operators are those that are used for doing logical operations. There are a total of 6 logical operators (&, |, ^, !, &&, and ‖) Of the six logical operators listed above, three of them (&, |, and ^) can also be used as "bitwise" operators. There are two non-short-circuit logical operators. • & non-short-circuit AND • | non-short-circuit OR There are two short-circuit logical operators • && short-circuit AND • short-circuit OR

What is Part IV of the Interstate Commerce Act?

Part IV comprised regulations governing the operations of freight operators.

Explain the categories of PHP Operators in web technology?

There are arithmetic operators (+, -, %, ++, etc.), comparison operators (<, ==, >=, !=, etc.), logical operators (&&, !, , etc.), assignment operators (=, *=, %=, +=, etc.), conditional operator (?:). The order of operations is unary (!, ++, --), multiplicative (left to right; *, /, %), additive (left to right; +, -), relational (left to right; <, <=, >, >=), equality (left to right; ==, !=), logical and (left to right; &&, and), logical or (left to right; , or), conditional (?:), assignment.