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Q: Actions like tailgating or yelling obscenities at another driver are proven to release angry feelings is it true or false?
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What is a compound noun that means for an action taken to prevent or undo the effect to another action?

preventive actions

What is transference and projection?

Transference is a phenomenon in psychology characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings of one person to another. For instance, one could mistrust somebody who resembles an ex-spouse in manners, voice or external appearance; or be overly compliant to someone who resembles a childhood friend. In a therapy context, transference refers to redirection of a client's feelings from a significant person to a therapist. Counter-transference is defined as redirection of a therapist's feelings toward a client, or more generally as a therapist's emotional entanglement with a client. Transference was first described by Freud, who acknowledged its importance for psychoanalysis for better understanding of the patient's feelings. Transference is often manifested as an erotic attraction towards a therapist. It's also common for people to transfer feelings from their parents to their partners (emotional incest) or to children (cross-generational entanglements). Although transference is often characterized as a useful tool for building trust between a client and a therapist, transference can also interfere with a therapist

What are 3 suicide risk factors?

Depression, or deep sadness is a major risk factor for suicide. Feelings of hopelessness is another; this may be the most crucial symptom. If a person feels as though there is no hope of things ever getting better for them, they may give up. Drug or alcohol addiction can be a contributing factor as well.

How does the scale represent justice?

There is meant to be a balance between justice for the individual (presumably in his/her defence) and the right of society to curtail the (unlawful) actions of one to another (presumably the case for the plaintiff / prosecution). Justice, being blind, (hence the blindfold on the lady), will weigh the evidence and use the "Sword of Truth" to obtain justice.

What is 1 1 1 1 1 1 another another another another another another?

The Great War The War of All Wars The War to End All Wars The Global War WW1 WWI

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If another vehicle is tailgating you should?

Tap your brakes lightly to warn the vehicle

What is vicarious representation?

Vicarious representation refers to acting that is done on behalf on another person. This may be through actions or feelings of another person.

Where should one refrain from speaking an obscenity?

Speaking obscenities is rude. A person should refrain from using obscenities because it shows a lack of decorum and manners. Another reason is the bible also declares it to be a sin and wrong.

What does vicarious mean?

Felt as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another.

What is the word for living an experience through someone else's?

vicarious: Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.

What is another word for bad language?

Profanity or obscenities are common synonyms for bad language.

Is psychological abuse basically hurting a person's feelings?

No, you can hurt someone's feelings without abusing them. Psychological abuse is the deliberate attempt to cause anxiety, depression, or loss of self-esteem, typically in trying to control another person and their actions.

How do you make someone who likes you not like you?

You can't. You have no control over how another person feels. However, if this person is acting on those feelings you need to address actions that aren't appropriate. Since you give no clue to the circumstances, I can only tell you to treat those actions as you would inappropriate actions from anyone.

Is sorrow another word for feelings?

no, its not another word for feelings but it can be a feeling im pretty sure.

What are other names for feelings?

emotions are another name for feelings.

What if she has feelings for someone else?

Then let her know of these feelings, if she still insists her feelings for another person, let her have him.