Fibonacci sequence
Adding like terms can be like adding fractions. You can only add fractions with a common denomonator. You can only combine terms together if they are like. Think of like terms as denomonators. You can only add if they are like.
This is called a Fibonacci series after the Italian mathematician who described it.
You add like terms together.
you always finish on good terms.
Fibonacci sequence
Adding like terms can be like adding fractions. You can only add fractions with a common denomonator. You can only combine terms together if they are like. Think of like terms as denomonators. You can only add if they are like.
This is called a Fibonacci series after the Italian mathematician who described it.
An arithmetic sequence.
Adding and subtracting polynomials is simply the adding and subtracting of their like terms.
Adding together the terms and dividing them by the number of terms gives the arithmetic mean.
You add like terms together.
you always finish on good terms.
I'd tell you but I don't know. Ha.-_________________-
Pork barrel spending and earmarking are both terms used to describe the adding of questionable appropriations to the federal budget. These appropriations are generally for projects in Congress representatives' districts back home.
adding to a product line.