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One way to do that is to permanently disable it!

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Q: Adjust your vehicle to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash.?
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Adjust your vehicle to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash?

Position or speed

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The measure of potential to cause damage is typically referred to as hazard. Hazard is the probability of an event occurring and the severity of the consequences that result from that event. It is important to assess and mitigate hazards to minimize the risk of damage.

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That's because they are DANGEROUS, so the idea is to minimize the danger as much as possible.

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Quarrying limestone can lead to pollution through dust, noise, and vibrations. However, limestone is a valuable resource used in construction, agriculture, and industry. To mitigate pollution, proper planning, regulations, and monitoring can help minimize the environmental impact of limestone quarrying.

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What are the dangerous drug?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Any drug can be dangerous without proper education. With that being said, being well educated can also minimize many risks associated with drugs. You can google the name of the drug followed by "toxicity" and find out how much it'll take to get a lethal dose.