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Q: Advantages and disvantages of linear search?
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What are advantage of linear searching?

There no advantages to linear search other than searching for the first (or last) nodes. Linear search takes linear time with an average O(n/2) for each search.

What are the advantages and the disvantages?

Eustress motivates. High level of stress over long period causes distress.

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Disadvantages:- 1. Expensive 2. Small learner to trainer ratio. 3. Duplicates the production line.

Explain linear search with an example?

Sequential search of an object with in an array of objects is called as linear search.

What are advantages and disadvantages of linear search?

1)in linear search it needs more space and time complexity. 2) in linear search if the key element is the last element and the search is from first element that is a worst case, or if the key element is the first element and the search is from last element then also is the worst case.

What is linear searching?

The linear search algorithm is a special case of the brute force search.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of searching in C programming?

If the data is sorted and every element is directly accessible, then you can perform binary search (see built-in function bsearch), otherwise you have to do linear search (which is slower).

What is the running time of a linear search of an array?

Running time of a linear search is O(n)

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Complexity of linear search?

the compexity of linear search in worst case is f(n) = n+1

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