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A line which forms a right angle with another line (think an upside-down T)

Actually it doesn't have to be upside-down...

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Q: Adwhat does a perpendicular line look like?
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What is a perpendicular line look like?


What does the perpendicular line look like?

A line that makes a right angle

What does a perpendicular line look like?

A perpendicular line is a straight line that intersects another straight line at right angles or 90 degrees on all four sides.

What is an unperpendicular line?

A perpendicular line is two lines that look like a plus +. If they're not perpendicular, they don't cross with 90 degree angles.

What does two perpendicular line look like?

It looks like a plus sign (+)

What does a perpendicular line in math look like?

A straight line that intersects another straight line at 90 degrees

How does a perpendicular line look like?

It is a straight line that intersects another straight line at right angles or 90 degrees.

What does a triangle look like with 2 perpendicular sides?

That is impossible because it can only have 1 perpendicular line so if it has 2 it wouldn't be a triangle.

How do a obtuse angle look?

Like __/ or \__. (in between a straight line and a right angle (perpendicular lines)

What does perpenciular line look like?

Two lines are perpendicular when they cross at right angle like the corner of a piece of paper.

What makes two lines perpendicular what do they look like?

Perpendicular lines are ones that make right angles when they meet. For instance the letters T H E and L are all made of perpendicular line segments.

In a plane line b is perpendicular to line f line f is perpendicular to line g and line h is parallel to line f. must be true?

What must be true? In your example, we have 4 intersecting lines. g and b are parallel, and f and h are parallel. g and b are perpendicular to f and h. It might look like tic-tac toe for example