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Q: African people use some artworks to solve problems such as settling disputes. Which one is an example of such art?
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In African stateless societies how are disputes settled?

By Tribal Law.

What is the Origin of African Kingship?

African kingship has its origins in precolonial traditional societies, where leaders were often chosen based on lineage, military prowess, or spiritual connections. These rulers held authority over their communities and were responsible for maintaining order, settling disputes, and leading in times of war. The concept of kingship evolved over time and varies across different African cultures.

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they no longer had to work as slaves in stuff

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He wanted African Americans to get a country of their own.

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There are many problems that are faced by the African Union. The biggest challenge is lack of unity among the African leaders which makes it impossible to implement any policies.

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There was lots of problems the main problems was the mistreatment of the African American population during this period.

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Take it to the Vet. ASAP. Respiratory problems are very serious in birds.

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