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yes it does!

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Q: After 3 pints in a period of 5 hours and all day painting 2k paint in a car booth can it effect a breathalyzer machine?
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Will not eating affect a breathalyzer test?

If you haven't eaten for a period of time will it give a false positive reading on a breathalizer test

Is 24 hours long enough to blow 0.00 on a breathalyzer?

Depends on what your BAC was at the beginning of the 24 hour period, and that state of your liver.

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Power is the amount of work a specific machine can do over a period of time. Work is the product of force and the distance an object travels as a result of that force. A more powerful machine can effect changes in velocity of an object more rapidly than a less powerful machine.

Is painting primary or secondary source?

It really depends on if the painting was done in the time period in question. If the painting was done in the time period, it is a primary source. But, If you are using this for an essay, make sure to consult your teacher.

What period does the painting the scream exist?


What technology is making it hrder for aliens to find humanity?

There are no known aliens, period. I guess you could say the Breathalyzer because people might not be getting drunk enough to see pink elephants and gray space perverts. At least not as much as they would if there were no Breathalyzer.

What art period was Gossaert painting in?

In the Flemish Renaissance.

Does humping a pillow effect your period?

No, humping a pillow doesn't effect your period. Your period is controlled by your menstrual cycles, masturbation has no effect on this what-so-ever.

What was the period and style of 'Boy with a Pipe'?

If you mean the painting by Picasso, it is from his rose period, a style of his own.

Does Cipralex effect breathalyzer test?

No. A breathalyzer (Portable or Intoxilyzer) traps your breath in a tube and emits a light source through it. Alcohol blocks portions of that light (not effoxor) from traveling through the tube. A sensor receives how much of that light got through the tube to determine your Breath Alcohol Content (BrAC). A diabetic reaction can effect the test (by showing an error because of the presence of Acetone). Also items in your mouth at the time of test could hold "mouth alcohol" which will increase the results. That's why there is an observation period (usually 20 minutes) before a test. Portable breath tests are a little different. They're not certified instruments and generally not allow into court so there is no observation period.

What art period was 'the Scream' painted?

It is Roughly around the Expressionism Period. Not rougly, but definitely an Expressionist painting.

What does tenebrism mean?

Tenebrism is a painting technique characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark areas to create a dramatic effect. It was prominently used by artists like Caravaggio in the 17th century Baroque period.