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Q: Ahmed looked over his math probles he saw that 12 of them were fractions 13 were decimals and the rest were gemetry if theirs 4 geometry how many probles in all any body please help you?
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nimulid can cause cardiac problems

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Their were no probles!!

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you need to always be fast and if you are slow that means you are slow

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First the government has to good than atomatically the probles will solve

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it will tear the muscles causing muscle probles ripping the muscle open stick to a maximum of 200 a week not a night

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Mico sociolgy deals with the little everyday problems with our soceity and Macro sociology deals with the bigger probles in soceity..basically

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some of the resons for parents abusing there kids is , somtimes its because they are drunk and there not to sure what there doing anouther reason is because they have probles in there life and they try to take it out on there kids

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Depending on the 'field ' you are working in it means define what you are trying to solve.

What probles could malware cause?

Malware is a mix between two words: malicious and software. This type of virus could cause devasting effects, from corrupting very important files to wiping your whole computer of everything.

What problem so customers of satellite systems with mobile phones face?

Actually the customers of the satellite phones do face problems like of heavy clouds, monitoring bases, improper connections, anteena probles and many more.... .

Will 12 tires fit on 8 rims?

they will fit with no major probles, the only thing that would happen is the tire might crown in the middle. that just means that the middle part of the tead would wear quicker than the rest of the tire.

If you are not married but file married on your taxes would you have to get divorced if you split up?

If you are not married you cannot file as if you are....if you do, that is a legal and tax error...which will incur penalties and interrest and possibly involve you with many other legal probles (especially if you did it knowingly). Better get a lawyer for this one.