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theres a half and half chance it will and theres a half and half chance it wont

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Q: Albino and albino have child What is the probability that child will be albino?
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Will my child be albino if the child's father is albino?

There is a very low percentage of having a albino child if you yourself are not albino ==you can have an albino baby==

A woman and her husband both show the normal phenotype for pigmentation but both had one parent who was an albino what is the probability that their first child will be an albino?


Wil the child of both nornal partent be an albino child?

yes. i am an albino and bothm my parents are normal

What is the percentage of having a albino child if you yourself are not albino?

1 in 17,000 and if you are very likey

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If a couple has 4 children's 2 albino and 2 normal What will be their probability?


A cross between two albino people can result in how many albino of spring?

Albinism comes from recessive alleles, so 100% of the children will be albino if both parents are. On the rare event of a germline mutation in this allele in the parents' gametes, there may be a non albino child. Some animals are now entirely albino, google "blind cave tetra".

What are some albino animals?

There are white(albino) lions and one time I saw a white(albino)alligator!Or was it a crocodile...Many animals are albino.

What is albino shark?

a shark thats an albino

Why you call them as albino rats?

Because their albino....

What is an albino tiger?

A albino tiger is a tiger that is white just like when people say" YOUR ALBINO"!

What do you get if you breed an albino ballpython to an albino ballpython?

I'd have to say probably an Albino Ballpython. Although there would be a small chance of it being non-Albino