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The IP Address

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Q: All computers on the internet have a unique number What is the name of this number?
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Which statement is true about installing an operating system on computers in a networked environment?

The computers name must be unique for all computers on the same network

What is the name of text based documents stored in computers connected to the internet?

The name of text based documents stored in computers connected to the Internet differ by what type of document it is. Most likely it will be a Microsoft Word document.

What is the unique name that identifies an internet sites?

This is called a domain name or a URL.

What does DNS distribute the responsibility of?

DNS stands for Domain Name System, and is a system for distributing names to computers, services, and other internet resources. In this capacity, it distributes the responsibility of attributing domain names to unique IP addresses.

What is the name of the unique identifier assigned to any person computer that's connected to the Internet?

An IP address is the unique identifier assigned to any personal computer connected to the internet.

When was the original internet founded?

The history of the internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s.

Many business computers have three distinc and world wide uniue identifiers What are they?

The three distinct and worldwide unique identifiers for business computers are typically the MAC address (Media Access Control), the IP address (Internet Protocol), and the hostname (assigned name to the device on the network).

Can 2 computers have the same netbios name?

No, you cannot have the same netbios names because there would be a conflict between the computers and Netbios names are unique names.

What is the name of the unique identifier assigned to any personal commputer that is connected to the internet?


How do you differentiate computers on the same network?

Each computer has a unique name, IP address and MAC address. (not MAC as in McIntosh.)

What is the purpose of the IPv4?

The IP address is what is used to locate a computer over the internet. The domain name - for example, - is only a shortcut, easy to read for humans. Before the corresponding server or servers can be accessed, the IP address must first be found. In the case of publicly accessible computers, the IP address is unique worldwide - that is, no two computers have the same IP address.

Do all computers on a network must have the same computer name?

No. Each computer has to have a unique name on the network (example: Desktop-John, Desktop-Matt, Laptop-Kim)