*analogy- comparison if two things alike in some aspects or they will be semble
one another in other aspect.
*intuition - mental ability same as guessing.
*inductive - forming of general statement from particular specific case.
*deductive - making conclusion from general to particular stances.
Intuition, induction, and deduction are types of reasoning used in geometry. Deduction uses logic to form a conclusion based on given statements.
Deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning
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Inductive reasoning in geometry is mainly used with repetitive concepts or patterns. An example would be multiplying -7 by 2 using repeated addition, which is "-7+-7," to equal -14.
Intuition, induction, and deduction are types of reasoning used in geometry. Deduction uses logic to form a conclusion based on given statements.
kinds of reasoning1. intuition reasoning2. analogy3. inductive reasoning4. deductive reasoning5. abstract reaoning
a branch of mathematics in which theorems on geometry are proved through logical reasoning
They developed several kinds of mathematics, Astronomy, and geometry
You can do so using coordinate (or analytical) geometry.
Deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning
There are different kinds of geometry including elementary geometry, Euclidean geometry, and Elliptic Geometry.
My mother is crying, She lost something.
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