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Q: All probabilities are expressed as a number between the range of?
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Can a probability be -0.0001?

No. All probabilities lie between 0 and 1 inclusive; -0.0001 is not in that range.

What is the number between 250 and 330?

This is expressed as 250< n < 330 and covers any number in the range 251 to 329. If 250 and 330 are to be included in the range then the expression is written 250 ≤ n ≤ 330.

What are some characteristics of probability?

It is a real number. It cannot be negative. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a discrete variable is 1. Similarly, the integral of the probabilities over the whole range of possible outcomes of a continuous variable is 1.

What is the difference between range and span?

Range: The region between the limits within which a quantity is measured, received ortransmitted. It is expressed by stating the lower and upper range valuesSpan: The algebraic difference between the upper and lower range values expressed in the same units as the range

What is the range of a number?

The range of a number set is the difference between the highest number and the lowest number in the set. To find the range, you subtract the smallest number from the largest number.

What is the range of any number?

The range is the difference between the highest and lowest number. ========================================================= A single number is a constant and does not have a range. A variable has a range which is defined to be the set of numbers that it can take.

The difference between a number and seven is less than or equal to -3?

This problem can be expressed as, x - 7 ≤ -3. Adding 7 to both sides gives, x ≤ 4. Then the number can have any value in the range 4 to -∞ (negative infinity).

What is the difference between the greatest number and the least number?

The difference between the greatest and least number is the range.

What is the probability ratio?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood of a given event and is a number in the range [0, 1]. That value, if expressed as a ratio, is a probability ratio. It can also be expressed as a percentage or a decimal fraction.

How do you work out range of number?

To find the range between two numbers you subtract the lower number from the higher number and Presto! you have the range. ex. What is the range between 10 and 20? 10. Another way is to simply put the numbers like this 10-20.

Name an event that has a probability of 27?

Probabilities can range from 0 to 1. Therefore, no event has a probability of 27.

The range of a distribution is always a whole number?

The range of a distribution is the difference between the largest number in the range and the smaller number. ?æThe number will always be positive, but may not always be whole.