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I believe it's cunductive reasoning.

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Q: All professional athletes earn a lot of money Wes plays professional football so he makes a lot of money What type of reasoning is this?
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What is European Professional Football Leagues's motto?

European Professional Football Leagues's motto is 'Great Football makes Great Things'.

How much does a professional athlete make a year?

How much a professional athlete makes each year depends on how well he or she does in that sport and how many sponsors and advertisers work with the athlete. A professional athlete has the potential to make millions of dollars per year.

Who makes more than the president?

Thousands of entertainers, professional athletes , investment counselors and CEO's of corporations earn more than the President.

What top 10 sports athletes makes the most?

football,baseball,basketball,golf,boxing,wrestling,dirtbiking,skate boarding,biking

Reasoning that makes conclusions based on patterns?

Inductive reasoning dude...

What is the average pay of professional athletes in the US?

the average amount a pro athlete makes a season is around $29,450 (not evryone can be lebron james and make $20 million)

How professional athletes get paid?

It matters the sport and how good you are at it. If you are really good you might make a lot of money such as Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat who makes $15,779,912 a year.

Are there grants for professional football preparation?

No preparation makes a great athlete so if you really want to play in the NFL preparation is necessary.

Is professional football haraam?

Yes, professional football is haraam because you are exposing the satr (private parts) including the knees and sometimes you are playing when it is namaaz time you are sitting idle. Also in some cases depending on your intentions you are playing to win (i.e money) also when you are playing professional football you sweat which makes you smell and you get dirty. In the hadeeth it says'Tahaarah (cleanliness) is half of Imaan.

Who makes more money as a sport track or swimming athletes?

Swimming athletes make 10g a year sports track only makes 1 paeso a year

What product does Klip Europe supply to athletes?

The product Klip Europe provides for athletes is Champion's sportswear. This brand makes shorts, shoes, shirts and other sports supplies for athletes.

A mistake in reasoning that makes an argument ineffective is called a .?

Logical fallacy