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Q: All the prime numbers under 130?
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What are all the prime numbers between 130 and 140?

The prime numbers between 130 and 140 are 131, 137, and 139.

What is the sum of all prime numbers between 130 and 140?


What are all the prime numbers under 16?

The prime numbers under 16 are 2,3,5,7,11 & 13.

What are all the numbers that go into 130 talking about prime factorization?

2 x 5 x 13 = 130

Is 130 prime or composite number?

130 is composite. All even numbers are composite except the number two (2).

Multiples of Prime numbers under 20?

All the numbers from 2 to 19 are multiples of prime numbers.

Are prime numbers closed under addition?

no, not all prime numbers are closed under addition. why? because, when you add 2 prime numbers you will not always get a prime number. example: 5+3= 8 5 and 3 are prime numbers but their sum is 8 which is a composite number..

What are all the numbers that go into 130?

The numbers that go into 130 are the numbers that divide 130 evenly without leaving a remainder. These numbers are 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 26, 65, and 130. This is because these numbers can be multiplied by another number to equal 130.

Which sHow is all the whole numbers factors of a prime number A 130 B 123 C 1211 D 118?

1 and 211

What numbers under 100 have at least a 2 or 5 in their prime factorization?

All the even numbers and all the odd multiples of 5.

What are the all prime numbers?

2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97 these are all the prime numbers

What are all the composite numbers under 100?

So we eliminate prime numbers. Note that the number 1 is neither prime nor composite. We have left:4689101214151618202122242526272830323334353638394042444546484950515254555657586062636465666869707274757677788081828485868788909192939495969899100