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meter exponent two...

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Q: Am I wrong if I read meter exponent two as meter squared or meter exponent three as meter cubed?
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Why is the exponent three called cubed?

Cubed is the third dimension because it is a cube. A cube has three dimensions of equal amount. A cube of three-inch sides, to get its volume you'd multiply three times three times three, which is three cubed.

Are the units of volume cubed or squared why?

Cubed. The reason is that space has three dimensions - and that is basically what we are measuring.

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How do you write exponent in laptop?

To write an exponent on a laptop you would use the "^" key. For example, "3^2" would be "three squared."

When the exponent is 3?

An exponent of 3 is used when a number is multiplied by itself three times. For example, 2x2x2 = 23. 23 can be read as "two to the third" or as "two cubed".

Is a cube a number?

No, a cube is not a number. A number "cubed" expresses a number times itself three times. For example: 3 cubed = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 In other words, when the exponent on a number is three, the number is cubed.

How many cm squared are in a centimeter cubed?

As a cm squared has no depth, there are 0 cm squared in a cm cubed. Alternatively, it can be considered that a 2 dimension thing has an infinite third dimension, so there are infinitely many cm squared in a cm cubed. To put it another way, the question as asked is nonsense. cm squared are a measure of area - a thing that has only two dimensions, NO THIRD dimension cm cubed are a measure of volume - a thing that has THREE dimensions.

How many cubic feet in 1 meter squared?

None. Three dimensional shapes do not fit two dimensional shapes. If you wanted to know how many cubic feet in one metre cubed then you would work it out as follows: 1m roughly equals 3.28 feet therefore 1m cubed equals 3.28 cubed =35.3 feet

Why is an exponent of 2 called a square root?

expoment of three is cubed because think of 3D. 2 is more flat

How do you write three-fourths squared in exponent form?

(3/4)2 = 32/42 = 9/16

Meanning of positive exponent?

An exponent is the power that a number is raised to. For instance, in the expression 3^2 ("three squared"), 2 is the "exponent" and 3 is the "base." A positive exponent just means that the power is a positive number. For instance, the following expression does not involve a positive exponent: 3^(-2). Horses rule!!!!!